Two Towers Saga Expansion

Veron 104


Fellowship my wife and I are using to play through the Two Towers Saga Expansion. These decks did really well against Helm's Deep so I am happy to publish them. Surely they will be changed as the Saga progresses.

Questing deck with Galadriel, Éowyn and Arwen Undómiel takes advantages of the Noldor mechanism of discarding cards to gain bonuses but this is not a pure Noldor deck by any means. Many allies have "Leave Play" effects that could make it harder to create a solid board state (Silvan Refugee, Escort from Edoras, Curious Brandybuck, The Riddermark's Finest, Westfold Horse-breaker). However, between extra card draw (Elven-light, Galdor of the Havens,...) and/or extra resources (Arwen Undómiel), this deck can always play 1-2 allies per turn.

Most of the Lore cards are meant to remove Condition attachments that we accumulated while playing the Fellowship of the Rings Saga.

Attacking deck is based around Beregond so several attachments and events are based to ready him or to power up his defence. Between Feint and Coney in a Trap, you can avoid up to 5 attacks during the game. Legolas was mainly chosen for this Ranged keyword and his very useful ability (with Arod and Blade of Gondolin). While playing Helm's Deep, location control is super important and being able to clear the location "Helm's Gate" during combat phase is a massive deal! Several ranged allies and my new all-time favourite Honour Guard!

Let me know if you have any suggestions :D

Happy Questing!