Core Set Triple Alliance

Carder89 116


Dúnhere, Legolas, and Thalin kill, the Éowyn player quests and protects and draws the players cards. Denethor defends, while Théodred and Glorfindel support the other players. Especially against the Escape from Dol Guldur quest, it is imperative to get Northern Tracker out as quickly as possible to prevent being location locked.

Power up Denethor to defend the bigger enemies and heal him back up to do it again or Forest Snare them to defeat the enemies at your leisure. Sometimes you can afford to quest with Glorfindel, but often you have to use him to help defeat the enemies engaged with that player.

Dúnhere and Legolas have to share weapons. Prioritize depending on where most enemies are. If they come down to other players, power up Legolas. If your threat stays low enough, Dúnhere can snipe the staging area.