Palantrap or Trapantir?

BrnLmx 23


I plan to use this fellowship to deal with the last adventures of the Gondor pack.

As you can guess the idea is to play with some ht the new tools, namely traps and palantir because it seems to me that they can work well together (encounter deck control = knowing when to play a trap).

I never tried the fellowship so any comment is welcome.

The cards I was considering adding bu finally did not make the cut are:

-Master of the Forge -Expecting Mischief -Miruvor -Ithilien Pit Quick Strike

  • more spirit allies

but the real question is: are Faramir and Thalin the right heros ore some more standard heroes like Boromir or Denethor lead to a more solid deck? ...


Oct 03, 2021 doomguard 2190

idea is not bad, but using the palantir is average of 4 thread per use. is this wort it, and how to reduce that amount of thread? without pipeshenanigans or very low startingthread e.g. it will be hard to use every round.

but if you want to try it with your cofiguration, i would add in the aragorndeck:

Thorongil to make aragorn law and then reduce thread to startinglevel once a game, and/or include 3 Elrond's Counsel and Dwarven Tomb for more thread reduction.

the other deck:

a trapdeck needs Damrod and i would replace denethor by Bifur (when the other deck has the steward, there will be enough options to use his ability)

IF you want to play progression, (what i do not recommand playing traps + palantir) then at least the more threadreduction-things without thorongil and bifur (with bifur you can play the Forest Snare the round you draw it)

Oct 03, 2021 BrnLmx 23

thanks for the feedbacks, I'll try to include #bifur, Elrond's Counsel and Dwarven Tomb. How about the tactics hero? Maybe something more solid?

Oct 03, 2021 doomguard 2190

i think, thalin is a good addition to Poisoned Stakes and Hands Upon the Bow. perhaps Haldir of Lórien is better than Faramir (less thread and can shoot with his ability in the staging without Hands Upon the Bow.

Oct 05, 2021 BrnLmx 23

So I tried the fellowship against assault on osgiliath.

Faramir not bad at all.

Poisoned Stakes interesting but I have the feeling that Thalin is not enough. I'm tempted to add Infighting or Expecting Mischief.

Palantir real deception, I replaced it with Ancient Mathom :-).

I removed the cards specific for the palantir in favor of more all-rounded cards.

Oct 14, 2021 apparentlyalvin 75

I once built a fellowship centered around Thalin. He doesn't do a whole heck of a lot by himself, but makes a lot of other small damaging effects suddenly much more effective.

Poisoned Stakes do good damage, but unless you can prevent the enemy from running at you, Stakes don't prevent an attack. Have you considered Ambush? You can trigger the combat action prior to the enemy attacking you, basically acting as another Quick Strike.

Oct 16, 2021 BrnLmx 23

Unfortunately I own only the cards jntill the gondor cycle, but once I'll have it, I will try Ambush :-) ...