71 - The Drowned Ruins (Progression Series)
ShellinProgression 5090
This is another fellowship continuing on in my goal to play through all of the quests in release order to learn how all (or most) of the cards interact with one another. The first fellowship for the quests in the core set can be found here, and it contains a slightly more detailed overview of what I'm going for with building these decks. As always, any feedback is appreciated so that I can continue to learn more!
Now that I'm done with some of the harder scenarios in The Flame of the West I feel like I can get back to exploring with some of the cards I haven't used yet in this series. Argalad showing up in this pack seemed like a good time to give a Direct Damage Deck a shot, and Lanwyn hasn't made it to the table since she showed up a few packs ago. From there, Galadriel seemed like a solid third to be able to get a bit of a double boost out of Nenya once Argalad gets Light of Valinor and can quest without exhausting. He'll effectively be able to quest for 6 and then exhaust to wipe out the threat of any enemy in the encounter deck, dealing a second damage in addition to Thalin when they're revealed. Scouting Party can be used fairly effectively here as well to pump out some really big Willpower numbers on a turn where you need to go Underwater and explore a Grotto location.
The Thalin deck is also pretty simple. Boromir and a Gondorian Shield can pretty easily defend any enemy in this quest, so giving him a Spear of the Citadel to be able to Goblin-cleaver or finish off some enemies that Thalin and Argalad hit means that very little combat is necessary. Sam is pretty much just here for his 3 and Leadership access.
The quest can punish 2-cost allies, so I tried to steer away from them a little bit. Unfortunately a lot of the allies I haven't used yet did fall into that camp, so A Test of Will is handy to keep some of those questing allies around if a Treachery comes out to damage them.