Journey Along the Anduin 2 Handed Cycle Progression


These are two decks I made for my 2 handed playthrough of every quest I own. I decided to play cycle progression, where the whole the cycle of player cards are available for use. Both decks are meant to be played together, the first deck is filled with cards that discards allies, Rear Guard,Westfold Horse-Breaker,Sneak Attack with Gandalf. these cards Ensure that you plenty of opportunities to use Prince Imrahil's response.

The secound deck is basicly the main attacker and defender, load Denethor up with A Burning Brand, Protector of Lórien and as many copies of Dúnedain Warning from the first deck, and he can defend a hill troll attack as early as turn 3 or 4.

I'm still quite new to deckbuilding for this game, so any tips or advice would be much appreciated!

Thanks for stopping by!