Rear Guard is one of those cards that are fun ideas, but in practice, end up not really working. You're paying one resource and discarding an ally (which aren't huge restrictions in leadership) to get maybe three extra willpower. Obviously, this can grow exponentially in multiplayer, but it's really not worth it.
I cannot agree with Wandalf The Gizzard. This is good card, the more players the better. With Snowbourn Scout you get 3-12 Willpower and 1 progres token for 2 resources.
On average in multiplayer, there are 4-5 heroes committed to the quest. Just escort from edoras is much simpler and nearly as effective
Core Faramir does the same thing. But in a better way
Everyone has made a valid points. I would like to add that it synergizes well with Prince Imrahil (for the readying) and Eomer (for the attack boost).
Ring Maker