Direct damage or die trying


While I do not think that direct damage is a very valid strategy in solo, with 3+ players, it seems as though it can work.

This three handed fellowship can dish out piles of damage, avoiding ever having to take major attacks.

The Argalad, Bilbo Baggins, Thalin is fairly straightforward. Put a couple weapons on Argalad to ensure that he can use his ability, and get a Gondorian Spearman with a Spear of the Citadel into play as soon as possible.

(MotK) Anborn is certainly one of the better MOTK allies to include in a direct damage deck. Thranduil and Hirgon also work nicely, allowing Galadhon Archers and more importantly Rúmil to be played repeatedly for consistent damage.

The Arwen Undómiel, Beravor, Saruman deck is here to provide an initial boost to while supporting the other two decks with card draw. It plays Hobbit Pony on Bilbo Baggins and Light of Valinor on Argalad. Reckless Attack is also insane in this Fellowship. Combined with the other sources of damage, it can take out some very big enemies.

The decks capitalize on some Victory Display mechanics to take advantage of repeatable discard with Woodland Sentry and Thranduil while also providing flexible support with Keen as Lances. The side quests also make Dour Handed an extremely useful card.


Dec 17, 2020 Alonewolf87 2449

Have you considered switching some heroes around? Putting Argalad in the Saruman deck will allow you to play Advance Warning that can then combo with Arrows from the Trees.

Also some Bow of the Galadhrim and Ranger Bow will probably work well.