I'm Groot

Questlogs using this decklist
Loss - Across the Ettenmoors - 2 Players - 2022-03-15
Fellowships using this decklist
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Card draw simulator
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Yepesnopes 1316

This is a deck intended to be a support deck for any fellowship or a solo deck.

Although it contains all the ingredients for an Elrond - Vilya deck, I find the most enjoyable way of playing this deck is through a quick start with Treebeard. For this reason, there are many cards which are good in your starting hand. Probably what I like the most from it is its high adaptability to different quests.

Starting hand: Any of the following cards: Mster of the Forge, Imladris Stargazer, Ioreth, Quickbeam, Warden of Healing, Lembas, Light of Valinor, Nenya, Vilya, or Miruvor are good cards to have in your starting hand.

Playing the deck: There is really not a single way to play this deck. The way I like to play it is by making Treebeard the main character. If you equip him with a couple of Unexpected Courages, Ent Draught and A Burning Brand, he will be questing parrying and attacking. With enough healing, which this deck has thanks to Elrond and cards such as Lembas, Warden of Healing and Wellinghall Preserver; Treebeard will quest for 7, parry with 4 and sentinel thanks to Arwen, and then attack for 8.

Although Treebeard can quest for 7 each round, for some quests what I have found more convenient, especially in the initial turns of a quest, is the possibility of doing quest control by wounding him just the necessary amount. Miruvor also helps in this regard by granting this +1

Allies: Mostly any of the big allies can be changed depending with whom you play. In multiplayer, I like having Haldir, Legolas and Yazan because they are ranged, but if other decks have any of these cards, just swap them for a Marksman of Lorien. Similar, Arwen is not really needed, although she is really sweet when played on Treebeard. The only two of the big allies a find important are Firyal (less in a 3+ fellowship) and Gildor Inglorion. The later is the character than once you have Vilya will allow you to play that expensive card which got stuck in your hand.

Additional notes: Regarding Firyal, when I play solo, I tend to put up to 3, as she is really massive in solo play.

The Galadhrim Weavers are here to fetch that card from your discard pile that you will need again, like a Lembas, A Test of Will, Elrond's Counsel, Miruvor or anything that got discarded by an undesirable effect.

Notice, that when Vilya is in play, any round you have nothing to play with it, you can use a Miruvor for one of his effects, put it on top of your deck, and then playing it for free. If you chose Miruvor to give a hero 1 Resource, this combo is effectively a 1 resource per turn.

As I said, I found this deck very pleasant to play and very welcome in most fellowships. I hope you enjoy it if you try it. :)