Chad's Campaign: Mt. Doom

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My Mount Doom Deck 13 11 1 1.0
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TheChad 13555

The end of all things! This is my final deck that I used to beat Mt. Doom.

You will not win every time, or even 50% of the time. It takes a combination of luck and persistence to beat this extremely difficult quest.

The hero lineup is powerful, Gandalf, Glorfindel, and Sam Gamgee plus Frodo can quest with 11 without any boosts on turn 1. However, you need more. Mulligan for boosts. Frodo's Intuition, or even better, Fellowship of the Ring. Use Frodo Baggins ability to pay for one of these cards and boost your to 15.

Strider goes on Glorfindel. Since there is no allies (because the quest counters them very hard) you will never have more than 5 characters.

Steward of Gondor also goes on Glorfindel, build up some resources so Lay of Nimrodel can boost him for the final quest push and Fortitude tests.

There is a lot of readying in this deck. Split those attachments between Gandalf and Glorfindel to enable you to defend attacks, do fortitude tests, react to effects that force you to exhaust a character, and give flexibility.

Try to find Song of Wisdom or Wizard Pipe to let you play those cards easily. Expert Treasure-hunter, even one copy in play, will be a huge help to get your cards in hand that you need.

Power of Orthanc is needed to remove a game ending condition attachment. Dwarven Tomb lets you recur it, or Lay of Nimrodel.

My successful (and unsuccessful) attempt can be watched here:


Sep 12, 2018 Cav Fan 239

@TheChad Well done for completing the whole Saga. After watching your play through(s) it seems that Lay of Nimrodel was the absolute must have card to ensure you had enough will power to make it through stage 3. I have been banging my head against this quest for too long now and need to get some closure, hopefully in less than 12 tries!

2 Quick questions:-

Was the MOF Frodo Baggins a better fit than Black Riders Frodo Baggins?

Also I am lucky enough to have Gwaihir in my campaign pool. Would you use his ability to remove an enemy rather than taking the ally? My thinking goes that if you remove a 3+ enemy you will get the same effect as questing every time with him, and no threat increase each round, Win/Win

Sep 12, 2018 TheChad 13555

Thank you @Cav Fanfor watching and the praise. Lay of Nimrodel was the MVP for sure.
MOF Frodo is better because the quest cards stop you from canceling When Revealed effects, and being able to play 2-cost fellowship cards on turn 1 is very powerful. Awesome job getting Gwaihir! I think it TOTALLY depends on what situation you find yourself in. Turn 1 or 2, I'd be tempted to remove an enemy if I could. The loss of threat in the SA plus the need to raise your own for the next 4 turns is good. If he shows up in your final 2 turns, keep him to help with whatever you need. In the middle its hard to say, but the fact that he shows up instead of literally ANY other card is great. (you and I both know he will be discarded during a test, but its fun to dream). Happy questing and good luck!

Sep 15, 2018 Cav Fan 239

@TheChad Yessssssssss

Thank you so much, after 15 times of trying the ring is now toast.

Gandalf had to take one for the team but with Leader of Men on Glorfindel the Lay of Nimrodel was double charged for the win in 5 turns!!

Mar 16, 2019 uuneter 102

Nice deck for Mount Doom. After failing miserably with my Hobbit deck, I gave this one a try and was able to beat the quest. I Dwarven Tomb'd Lay of Nimrodel ftw. That card is definitely key.

This quest is all about Willpower, and readying for those Fort tests. This deck does a great job of handling both. I didn't get it, but I think Fellowship of the Ring would be the ideal card in opening hand - +4 each round, and don't have to worry about forced effect (I'd just reset if I lost a hero).

Mar 16, 2019 TheChad 13555

@uuneterthank you! glad you were able to Toss it Into the Fire!