Core Set Dwarfs Ready for Combat

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beatsmd 70

Comments and suggestions are much appreciated—I'm here to learn.

After playing (and losing) Journey Along the Anduin several times as a single-handed solo player, I decided I to try to build a more combat-ready deck.

Built For: Journey Along the Anduin


Limitations: Core Set only

Heroes: Legolas seems like an obvious choice when it comes to combat. I added Gimli thinking that he'll become quite powerful after taking on some damage. Lastly, I chose Glóin over Aragorn as my hero to keep my starting below 30.

Allies: In addition to Gandalf, I included the expensive Allies Beorn and Brok Ironfist because of their relatively high values, thinking that I might be able to play one or both at low cost using either Sneak Attack or due to the death of one of the two Dwark heroes. The low-cost Allies are included primarily to defend the party.

Attachments: Steward of Gondor and Horn of Gondor should generate extra and resources, respectively. Apart from Celebrían's Stone to boost Glóin's , the other Attachments are there to boost .

Events: Sneak Attack, Feint, and Blade Mastery are especially helpful during combat. As low-cost Allies fall in battle, Swift Strike will damage enemies, and Valiant Sacrifice will generate cards.


Sep 05, 2018 beatsmd 70

Played Against: Journey Along the Anduin on 2018-09-04 and 2018-09-04 and lost both games (follow links for details)

Sep 06, 2018 MagicFlea 289

In core your ability to quest and clear locations is really limited, and treacheries are very dangerous so I think spirit is a must. Once you have access to eagles tactics starts to work better. Here’s a list you might want to try if you are struggling with Journey:

Of course leadership-based decks tend to be the most powerful, but that is viable for Journey at least.

Sep 06, 2018 Wandalf the Gizzard 2474

A couple of suggestions: Drop Brok and Thicket for Guard of the Citadel Drop Swift Strike for Faramir

A Tactics and Leadership deck will really struggle against this quest. You might want to try another approach. I've had success with these: .

Sep 06, 2018 beatsmd 70

@MagicFlea``@Wandalf the GizzardThanks so much for your advice. I really appreciate it.