The Horses of Rohan 1/2

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Fellowships using this decklist
The Horses of Rohan
Where now the horse and the rider?
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
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Alonewolf87 2433

First part of a Fellowship centered around the Rohan trait and the mounts, hoping to provide multiple bonuses from Elfhelm passive ability to the same character


Sep 21, 2020 Uruk-guy 548

I really like this fellowship. I think there is tons of potential with Elhelm spreading bonuses around in multiplayer.

Also, I'm curious how you feel about using Rallying Cry. I recently just discovered it. Does it get played often here or do you rely on Guthwine mostly? Also, now that The Muster of Rohan is out would you add it to the other deck to use in conjunction with Rallying Cry? They seem like great multiplayer cards and I'm considering building them into a Rohan fellowship of mine.

Sep 21, 2020 Alonewolf87 2433

Rallying Cry can be good to help also the other deck reclaiming dead allies (Gamling can only do so much). Speaking of new possible card The Muster of Rohan is definitely a good possibility and I would also consider adding Thorongil for Théoden (perhaps you could even start with its Spirit counterpart making a all spirit deck and using Erkenbrand in this deck. Otherwise you could further the attacking the staging area theme using Éomer and Fastred. But then I guess it would be a very different Fellowship. If you are interested I might create one just for fun

Sep 22, 2020 Uruk-guy 548

I say go for it! I'll probably create one too just for the heck of it. Unfortunately I'll only be able to play it on OCTGN becau,se I dont have any of the Rhovanion cycle. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

Sep 22, 2020 Alonewolf87 2433

If you want we can build one together (I don't know on Discord Telegram or whatever) and then test try it on OCTGN sometimes. Do you have an account on the FFG forum?

Sep 22, 2020 Uruk-guy 548

I was thinking of asking you the same thing. I think that would be quite fun. I do have an FFG account on the forum. I'll send you a message to you over there

Sep 23, 2020 Alonewolf87 2433

My nickname on the FFG Forum is the same I have here.