Silvagorn the Hunter

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Derived from
More Then Any King of Men 38 26 5 1.0
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Rimogard 303

This one is entirely inspired by Devaresh's deck "More Than Any King of Men". I've almost never played with Tactics Aragorn, but his deck gave me the opportunity to do so. I also love playing with Silvans so it was a win-win situation for me.

My main goal was to make the deck more solo friendly. That's why I decided to remove most of the Lore cards. However, there are still several of them left and they are quite important - The Tree People and Henamarth. Nenya and the Ring of Barahir should provide the needed Lore resource icon.

Starting Hand

Look mostly for:

  • O Lorien!
  • Nenya
  • Easily playable allies (Galadriel's Handmaidens, Galadhon Archers, Galadhrim Weavers, Naith Guides) and Silvan events such as The Tree People and Feigned Voices
  • Sneak Attack & Gandalf

These are usually the best cards to start off with.

Tips & Tricks

  • The Handmaidens, the Weavers, and the Naith Guides provide good willpower boosts if you manage to bounce them out and in again thanks to The Tree People, Feigned Voices, and Island Amid Perils. Sword that was Broken can do wonders as well but it's not obligatory.

  • Tale of Tinuviel is a very good card here. You can even try to find a third slot for it. It's that good in this deck thanks to Galadriel's willpower.

  • Heirs of Earendil is also a staple and one of the best recent cards. It helps you get rid of nasty non-unique locations. Increasing your threat shouldn't be an issue thanks to Galadriel, Gandalf & Sneak Attack, and Island Amid Perils.

  • I decided to remove any copies of Light of Valinor because the Naith Guides are often sufficient.

  • The Magic Ring should go to Aragorn to make more use of his attacking strength. Overall, his passive ability should help the Silvan allies deal with almost all enemies. Don't forget that the Marksmen of Lorien synergize very well with Aragorn's ability.

  • I decided to use Legolas instead of Rumil because I rarely ever trigger Rumil's ability when playing solo. Legolas provides quite consistent card draw and he's Aragorn's buddy. I don't know, thematically it sounds awesome and I like that ally a lot.

  • Sneak Attack and Gandalf is one of the most used combos in the game. Nevertheless, I never get tired of it. It gives you flexibility. Also, who says that you should sneak attack Gandalf? Silvans are very good targets, too. Among other combinations, these are the best in my opinion: Marksmen of Lorien, Greenwood Archers, Galadhon Archers, Galadhrim Weavers.

  • If the encounter deck runs a lot of condition attachments with nasty effects, don't hesitate to replace the two copies of Island Amid Perils with two copies of Power of Orthanc.


So far I managed to beat Passage Through Mirkwood (Nightmare) and the Nin-In-Eilph with it, along with Journey Up the Anduin with a very similar deck (without the Lore cards). I'll continue playing with it since it's a lot of fun, and I can't wait for Thranduil, the Elvenking, and Darion to show up to try out a new Silvan deck archetype! And thanks to Devaresh for the great ideas!