Beravor Goes Treasure Hunting

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The BGamerJoe 5242

I've recently become addicted to Beravor's easy card draw so I'm back with a well rounded deck that uses her ability to equip Beregond and Eowyn to dominate the field.

Opening Hand

There are plenty of good 1-cost cards to look for in your opening hand. Henamarth Riversong, Silvan Refugee, Wingfoot and Gondorian Shield are all great cards to get down turn 1. Getting a Dagger of Westernesse out fairly early will also help kill off the first enemy or two before you Eowyn's Herugrim Hammer going.

First Turn

If you get a Silvan Refugee out turn one you can go ahead and start drawing cards with Beravor right away! Eowyn gives you a good willpower start and you can build up your questing potential with cheap Lore allies and the Refugees. Beregond will be there to protect you from turn 1 and he should probably get the first Unexpected Courage. Try to keep a Lore resource around so you can play Master of the Forge right away when he shows up.

Who Gets What?

Eowyn gets:

  1. Snowmane
  2. Herugrim
  3. Necklace of Girion
  4. The Arkenstone (actually anyone can hold on to this)

When fully equipped she can quest for 7 and attack for 8. Getting that necklace out early helps generate resources to play the oft-maligned Master Ironsmith who can give her Herugrim for free.

Beregond gets:

  1. Gondorian Shield
  2. Unexpected Courage (x2 if you draw the third copy)
  3. Protector of Lórien
  4. Raven-winged Helm
  5. Dagger of Westernesse

By this point he will be defending 2-3 times at 6 with easy boosts from Protector of Lórien and Sterner than Steel to back him up. He can swing in with the Dagger to help finish off enemies if the ladies need help. Sometimes you'll want to attack with him even if unnecessary just so you get generate some more Spirit resources with Proud Hunters.

Beravor gets:

  1. Wingfoot
  2. Dagger of Westernesse
  3. Unexpected Courage (Beregond gets the first copy, Beravor gets the second)
  4. Gondorian Shield

When fully equipped she can draw you 2 cards during the planning phase, ready up, quest for 3 (assuming the Arkenstone is online), ready with the Wingfoot/Henamarth Riversong combo and then defend for 3 or attack for 3-4 as needed.

Treasure Hunting Tips

Henamarth Riversong is really good for playing these Guarded attachments. Just keep scrying every turn until you see some pushover enemy like a crow, bot or surgey orc then you can attach that sweet treasure to that tiny card and get the massive benefit for minimal effort. My other favorite trick is to spot an easy location, play the Guarded card, drop Explorer's Almanac on to it and quest through it in the same turn. So tasty!

The other fascinating ability I’ve discovered with the Guarded/Henamarth Riversong combo is nullifying bad treacheries or sidequests. If you see a nasty card that won’t qualify to guard the treasure, you can play the treasure and discard until you find a card that does qualify which is a little dangerous but effectively avoids that nasty card which was about to hit you.

The healers have been more than enough so you could probably cut back on copies of the Warden and increase the copies of the Guarded treasure cards, but this is a little safer.

Testing The resource curve on the deck is reasonably low, so you can get a lot of those Beravor cards out fairly quickly. I beat Passage Through Mirkwood, Journey Down the Anduin, Hunt for Gollum, Conflict at the Carrock, Into the Pit, The Seventh Level, Escape from Umbar and The Weather Hills on the first attempt and lost vs Return to Mirkwood. Thanks for reading!


Aug 15, 2018 Melkata 3

Super cool idea. Really like using the guarded treasure as a reserve treachery cancellation. Looks like it might be a little slow on resource generation; did you have any trouble with that? And neat you were able to use the iron smith, I like the general idea but hard to get into a deck.

Aug 15, 2018 Some Sort 4007

I too am addicted to Beravor. Between the increase in consistency and the reduced need for draw events, she makes it feel like I’m building a deck that’s 25% larger than without her.

Aug 15, 2018 The BGamerJoe 5242

The resource curve is fairly low overall and between Proud Hunters and the Necklace, I find it adequate. It’s not swimming in resources by any means, but with some careful play, Proud Hunters can get you resources where you need them. @Melkata

I agree @Some Sort! Spirit Beregond frees up those card slots usually reserved for threat reduction as well. He’s good!

Aug 25, 2018 Raiderjakk 59

You can use treasure cards in regular quests?

Aug 25, 2018 The BGamerJoe 5242

You aren’t supposed to. I was just using the treasure version in place of the newly released Arkenstone since it wasn’t on a RingsDB when I published this deck. Sorry for the confusion! @Raiderjakk

Aug 25, 2018 Raiderjakk 59

Makes perfect sense! Thanks! @The BGamerJoe

Aug 26, 2018 Raiderjakk 59

Just a heads up that this deck beat Journey Up The Anduin tonight. That quest gives me fits. There was a tool for almost every situation and it played out beautifully. Thanks for sharing the deck! @The BGamerJoe

Aug 27, 2018 The BGamerJoe 5242

Great! Glad to hear it! Thanks for giving it a try. @Raiderjakk