Eleanor and the Hunters

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Agents of the White Council - Conflict at the Carrock
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Onidsen 1127

This is a thematic deck for my blog series, Agents of the White Council, designed to go up against Conflict at the Carrock.

This deck is meant to provide a great deal of willpower along with some ranged attack to help kill the Trolls. Thurindir will start off with Gather Information in hand. Combined with the possibility of an early copy of The Road Goes Ever On, you can potentially find both of the companion deck's important side quests on the first turn, allowing you enough time to set up to defeat the trolls.

The deck also provides a great deal of location control, to help manage the threat in the staging area, along with threat control to try and make sure that the Trolls go where we want them to be.

In addition, the deck can handle some of the other, more esoteric challenges of the quest. Eleanor, of course, manages any game-ending treacheries, while Athelas lets us get rid of Sacked cards that would otherwise be debilitating. Entangling Nets helps us in a number of ways - most importantly, by reducing the attack of an enemy, it helps to preserve Beorn's hit points in the other deck.

Finally, Song of Wisdom and A Burning Brand are included to let Eleanor be a decent defender, even against Troll enemies.

Note that this deck is slightly altered from the deck used in the video playthrough - Double Back has been removed, since we don't actually want to keep our threat below the engagement cost of the Trolls. A second Song of Wisdom has been added - I actually thought I had 2 in the deck I played with, but there was only one; it was likely a holdover from an earlier version of the deck which included the Rivendell Minstrel to fetch it. Finally, 2 copies of the DĂșnedain Pipe are added to aid in filtering through to find the most important cards.