Gen Con Master Sideboard

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Wandalf the Gizzard 2474

This is not an actual deck, it's just the collective sideboard for the three decks I'm taking Gen Con this year.

Hopefully this will help you plan your decks if you're going to the Friday morning event. And now for some explanation.

Brand and Aragorn are here to Replace Legolas if need be in deck three.

I'm bringing all eight copies of Gandalf in case I need to share a deck.

Two of my decks run Lore, so most of the Lore cards will go in one of those, whichever I end up using.

Fast Hitch, Forest Snare, and Valiant Sacrifice are available to support other deck archetypes.

Dwarven Tomb can be subbed into deck one for more cancellation

Northern Tracker will go in either deck running Spirit (deck two uses Narvi's Belt)

Path of Need might slot in, depending on the quest.

Sneak Attack, along with Gandalf will go in either deck I use with Leadership.

Campfire Tales, For Gondor, and Grim Resolve will be used i high player-count games.

Sword that was Broken can go in another player's deck for Lore Aragorn in deck one, or I can put in my Leadership decks to go on another player's Aragorn.

I think that's it!