The Noldor of the Dream-chaser

Questlogs using this decklist
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Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
White Council Aflame - Cirdan Deck 0 0 1 1.0
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In Play
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Dean 100

A Noldor deck I constructed for solo play against The Grey Havens and the Dream-chaser cycle. I expected it to perform quite well, however it well exceeded my expectations, defeating every quest first go at normal difficulty (and it was my first time playing them).

I was unsure how it would go without the added resources of Steward of Gondor, which I didn't want to include to keep the Noldor theme strong. Guess it didn't need it! Even when things went badly for the deck (in particular, not getting To the Sea, to the Sea! for several rounds), it was surprisingly resilient. I also thought the high starting threat and average initial combat preparedness would be an issue. However, between how quickly the deck sets up and threat reduction from Elrond's Counsel, the deck handled this just fine.

Play notes

Further notes

  • Protector of Lórien is one card I thought would be quite useful and turned out not to be. You'll generally have plenty of other things you want to discard your cards for, and generally isn't an issue while Narya, Cloak of Lórien, A Burning Brand and healing with Imladris Caregiver ably handle defending while also being playable on chief defender Gildor Inglorion.
  • Fair and Perilous might seem a good fit and started in the sideboard for quests with tough enemies, however proved too situational given the solid the deck can generate without it. Probably would have made the cut if it was playable from the discard pile.
  • Elwing's Flight and The Evening Star started out in the sideboard, however between the deck's high and playing solo, these were never called for.

Jul 24, 2018 carlosm88 67

Having played this deck a couple times, may I say congratulations! This deck can really stand its own against most quest.

Jul 25, 2018 Dean 100

@carlosm88Thanks! So glad you're enjoying playing it.

Jul 25, 2018 MDuckworth83 3698

Really cool deck and fantastic write-up! Actually thinking about throwing it together and trying it out.

One thing I don't understand though..... how Earth did you possibly beat City of the Corsairs with this deck (1st time!?, going in blind!?) with a starting threat of 31 and only 19 allies?

That means that you automatically engaged the Stormcaller on turn 1 (and pretty quickly several other ships), and doing the math I don't see how you possibly could have even come close to killing it then.

Knowing from a lot of painful experience that it generally takes 5 allies to reliably pass sailing tests on that one, I'm just having a really tough time seeing it.

Jul 25, 2018 Dean 100

@mduckworth83Appreciate your kind words, let me know how you go if you decide to give the deck a try.

I also thought City of Corsairs would be tough for this deck when I saw the setup, and it certainly wasn't a walk in the park.

Regarding engaging ships, with Elrond's Counsel + massive card draw + Will of the West your threat will generally head down from 31, as long as you're questing successfully and not having your threat raised by encounter card effects too often. This means that engaging ships will generally be optional. A Scouting Ship did appear while I was off course, so that came at me straight away and hit the Dream-chaser (which had committed to the sailing test) with an undefended attack. That hurt. I also had a Corsair Warship in the staging area for three or four rounds, never engaging it and suffering the archery damage. That hurt.

Pumping out allies with generally four resources/turn + To the Sea, to the Sea! + massive card draw + the Nárelenya + Elven Jeweler's ability is easy. Add action advantage from Glorfindel's ability and Unexpected Courage, plus the Dream-chaser's ability if you're stuck, sailing was tough but manageable. Keeping the Stormcaller engaged definitely made it harder and I spent a lot of time off course.