Charge of the Rohirrim

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Forth Eorlingas!
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Onidsen 1140

This is a thematic Rohan combat deck built around recycling the event Forth Eorlingas! to enable staging area attacks for every Rohan hero on the board. This deck is still in the testing process. The results of testing will be explored on my blog at

It is part of a fellowship with an Elfhelm/Théoden/Fastred deck that provides willpower and extra defensive power to the fellowship, along with the stat boosts provided as a result of the Mount attachments and Elfhelm's ability.

Because Forth Eorlingas! only affects heroes, no high- allies are included. The only attack-oriented ally - the Westfold Outrider - is included for its ability to either adjust the threat in the staging area before quest resolution, or to engage an enemy after resolving enemy attacks but before resolving your own. It can also be used to trigger the direct damage ability on Firefoot (included in the other deck) even while attacking into the staging area - discard the Outrider to engage a high- enemy during Éomer's attack on a weak enemy in the staging area, boosting his by 2 and giving you an engaged enemy to deal the damage to.

The remainder of the allies in the deck are either to provide additional for the quest or to manage defenses. Déorwine is an excellent defender on his own, and can be given a Hauberk of Mail from the other deck to boost him up to 4 and 4 . Honour Guard prevents incoming damage and provides a large pool of hit points for archery damage. Guthlaf is either a cost-effective source of in , or an emergency defender.

The core of the deck, however, is about powering up the heroes so that they can clean house when they attack the staging area, and providing other support to make staging area attack work - either by lowering threat to avoid engaging enemies or by increasing willpower to quest past the enemies left in staging. The Songs of Travel enable playing the cards in the deck, but also boost willpower from Elfhelm's ability. Since the companion deck also has 3 copies, you should be able to get one or two copies out quickly, boosting your starting willpower. The first target should either be Théoden in the other deck or Éowyn, depending on the sphere distribution in the opening hands.

The Songs of Kings are for Fastred and Théoden across the table, so that they can get the boost from Elfhelm and become decent defenders. The Golden Shield is also for Fastred, who will have a boosted as a result of a mount attachment.

The Spear of the Mark is ideally for Háma rather than Éomer - Éomer's restricted slots are most effectively filled with Firefoot and a Rohan Warhorse, but if you need to get 10 out of a single hero, the spear can be used to boost his attack instead of the readying from the Rohan Warhorse.

The ideal targets for Unexpected Courage are Éomer - with a Song of Travel and one of the mounts, he can quest for 3 before attacking with at least 4 , or attack twice, as necessary. (The same argument could be made for Háma, but you will get more mileage out of a second attack from Éomer due to his higher attack.) The second Unexpected Courage can go almost anywhere, but ideally would be played to keep a questing hero ready for combat as well.

The remainder of the cards are fairly self-explanatory, providing card draw or threat reduction. The additional recursion offered by the Book of Eldacar either allows you to keep recyling Forth Eorlingas! after Háma has reached the limit on his ability. Alternatively, it allows you to use him to recycle Foe-hammer instead for additional card draw if you need it, while still being able to recycle the core event for the deck.