Chad's Campaign: Siege of Gondor

Questlogs using this decklist
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Dunhere Beregond Haldir Kill em All 8 4 4 1.0
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TheChad 14292

This is the deck I used to defeat The Siege of Gondor. It took me a few tries, enemy swarms defeated me, and then a "victory" that took 10 rounds.
I'll be honest, you want to defeat this quest as quickly as possible but that depends on finding Ship Locations. So, this quest has a bit more luck to it than I would like.

To try to tilt the odds in my favor I added Shadow of the Past and Distant Stars. The thought being I could manipulate the encounter deck.

This quest deals out a lot of damage, so put Steward of Gondor on Haldir of Lórien to play and ready the Warden of Healing.

If you keep your threat low enough you should be able to snipe into the staging area to avoid 'when engages' effects.

Use Quick Strike and Éowyn to defeat the Captain before his first attack.

The video can be found here: