A Stereotypical Dwarf Deck

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Dwarf Deck 0 0 0 1.0
DAIN x ØRI x THXRIN - goblint basztam 0 0 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

dalestephenson 1872

This deck is not creative at all, it is a crowdsourced Dwarf deck.

My procedure was as follows -- I analyzed Legacy of Durin decks to see what the most likely hero lineup would be. After settling on Dáin Ironfoot/Thorin Oakenshield/Ori, I then looked at 24 decks using that lineup from different creators to see which cards were used the most, and what the median ally/attchment/event count was. You can see the raw information here:


To turn that information into a deck, I then used the median count to apportion card slots to the most popular choices in each category, trying to use the most popular count for each until I ran out of space (I did lower the count at the end of the list so I could fit cards with same approximate selection, plus limited Armored Destrier to one because its 100% was based on a single deck). I also limited the cards to a single core set.

The end result should be a stereotypical Dwarf Deck -- one that only includes cards that others have used the most (by percentage, not raw count) in their own Dwarf decks. If you want the typical Dwarf experience, this may be a good fit -- and if it's not, don't blame me, blame the committee!

Strategy is to get 5 dwarves down ASAP so that Thorin and Ori's ability can kick in. Dwarven Sellsword and Erebor Record Keeper can get you there in turn one, and you should mulligan if your opening hand doesn't let you get to five by turn two. Narvi's Belt should go on Thorin because he will have the most resources. Armored Destrier and Dwarven Shield should go on Dain, but without shadow cancellation and healing don't push his defense overmuch. Cram should go on Thorin, with Dain ready he quests for four and attacks for four.


Jul 10, 2018 jtwilliams37 130

I love the statistical approach you're taking to making decks, haha, thanks for this. Oddly, I just built something eerily similar yesterday.

Mar 26, 2020 TinPeregrinus 1

As a fan of these decks and a beneficiary of Dale's fantastic advice via BGG, I thought I'd append his super-helpful suggestion for substitutions when running this deck in fellowship with a deck that includes Gandalf as a hero.

Dale writes:

I would replace them with Dwarves. While Gandalf is so useful in general that he ended up used in a lot of dwarf decks, he has no particular synergy in that deck with anything but Sneak Attack and A Very Good Tale. Since you're going through KD/Dwarrowdelf, the generally useless Bombur ally can actually pull his considerable weight, for once -- there's a lot of Mountain and Underground locations. I'd include a copy of him, 2 copies is overkill. For the other two I'd throw in a Longbeard Map-Maker and a Longbeard Orc Slayer. The venerable orc slayer is expensive for his stats, but his ability to damage every orc in play can be very handy in this orc-heavy cycle (though it'd be more handy with Thalin around). Longbeard map maker's base stats aren't too impressive, but when the resources pile up and you have Narvi's belt on Thorin, you can convert lore resources into willpower with no limit, which can really help you power through final stages.