Hirgon's Archers

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Seastan 45864

A combat deck for multiplayer with a primary focus of fun over power.

  1. Quest with Celeborn and Hirgon.
  2. When successful, play down one of your Silvan archers with Hirgon's ability, reducing their cost further with O Lórien!.
  3. They will have +1 from Celeborn for the round, but they can also have +1 from Hirgon if needed.
  4. For example, you can play down a Marksman of Lórien, bring him up to 5 and bring an enemy down -2 . For a total cost of 1.
  5. Defend with Beregond, dealing a damage with Spear of the Citadel.
  6. Attack and kill the enemy with your archer(s).
  7. Rinse and repeat as needed with Feigned Voices, Pursuing the Enemy, or drawing into more archers with Valiant Sacrifice, Gandalf, or Legolas.

Given how easy it is to repeatedly play the Marksman in this deck, I've also included Straight Shot, which can be used with Spear of the Citadel to discard certain enemies.



Jun 30, 2018 Some Sort 4007

How does Spear of the Citadel increase the number of viable targets for Straight Shot? I'm missing something here.

Jun 30, 2018 Seastan 45864

@Some SortIt doesn't, but you need to exhaust a weapon to use Straight Shot.

Jun 30, 2018 Some Sort 4007

@Seastan Thanks, I knew I was missing something. I only ever play it with Rivendell Blades.

Jul 02, 2018 死锁 289

Interesting deck!

I never think about Celeborn plus Hirgon in a silvan theme deck,excellent idea!full of silvan style and focus on combat.

Could it be OK that put some sillvan ally in this deck?Some of them are really good.And I'm not sure "unique" card is too much or not.

Jul 04, 2018 Seastan 45864


Thanks! Yes you can also play some silvans here, they just don't work with Hirgon.