5 wins vs attempts - Progressive Play #4

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Derived from
Hunt For Gollum - solo 0 0 0 1.0
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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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matrosh 548

I decided to do little experiment and try how many attempts I will need to win 5 times with deck, also using progressive play, so only the cards, which were available at that time, when scenario was out. This is #4: The Hunt for Gollum

The Hunt for Gollum is rather easier scenario, counting mostly with growing threat in staging area, which you'll find out, if you loose several times. Based on that knowledge, I put together this deck focused on eliminating the threat and strong questing. Starting threat was not so important this time.

Éowyn and Aragorn are the mainly used for questing, using Beravor as defender and for her ability. Celebrían's Stone and Steward of Gondor going on Aragorn. Unexpected Courage and Protector of Lórien on Beravor.

Between the allies standout mostly great Northern Tracker who has to deal with a lot of locations in this game so its must have. Even Lórien Guide was helpful and sometimes when you need to get rid of clue, Miner of the Iron Hills will do the job. Another very helpful cards in this quest were Radagast's Cunning and Secret Paths.

First game took 10 rounds with 121 points.

5 wins vs attempts: I won 5 games in 5 attempts.