Chad's saga Campaign: Helm's Deep

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Dunhere Beregond Haldir Kill em All 8 4 4 1.0
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TheChad 14292

This is the deck I used when I defeated Helm's Deep.

It is a Haldir of Lórien deck that uses his amazing ability to avoid combat. Coupled with Hands Upon the Bow you should be able to pick off enemies before they engage you.

To keep your threat down use Elrond's Counsel.

Cards are plentiful with Elven-light and Foe-hammer and Steward of Orthanc. To assist the victory at Helm's Deep you need to know what you are revealing during questing. You can ensure the exact amount of progress is placed. Henamarth Riversong does a lot of work for you in that regard.

Speaking of questing, Ghân-buri-Ghân is AMAZING in this quest. You often had 4 or 5 locations active.

You can see the deck in action here:


Jun 19, 2018 Kilie 76

Nice Deck and I enjoy watching your campaign a lot. I would suggest to use Thorins Map to switch locations for this quest, whit this there is no problem if the enemy gets some progress on them.