The Sons of Gondor - my Against the Shadow Campaign Deck

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
No Jealousy or Rivalry 50 30 5 1.0
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None yet.
Card draw simulator
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In Play
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Mortendall 589

Disclaimer: I did not check ringsdb when designing this deck, but could see that Devaresh built a very similar one to mine earlier: . check it out, he solved some of the problems I was struggling with. The similarities are therefore coincidental, but I have chosen to give credit nevertheless. After all, he was first.

This deck was used in my thematic campaign play from the Druadan forest to Blood of Gondor. I could not beat Steward's fear or Morgul Vale with it, as it doesn't pack enough quest power. I believe it would make a good support deck, as it is very capable of handling combat.

the main engine of the deck is Damrod, who is a hero I really like to play. In this deck, he provides so much card draw, allowing direct damage from forest patrol and encounter deck control from Interrogation. Boromir handles most combat (particularly blocking with Gondorian shield and Captain of Gondor), with Faramir w. Ranger Spear+Wingfoot to supplement with damage. The deck struggles with Willpower, though manages most quests if Mablung is in the opening hand.

For Blood of Gondor, I switched to Thurindir as Faramir is an objective ally. This worked quite alright, though the lack of willpower is a limiting factor for clearing the side quest early.
