Sentinels of Lórien

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None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Sentinels of Lórien 20 15 10 2.0
Card draw simulator
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eldub 694

eldub has a newer deck inspired by this one: Sentinels of Lórien

Definitely my favorite version of the Silvan deck archetype. I know that this deck has largely been "solved," but I find that adding the old standby -- Sneak Attack + Gandalf -- with the Mirror of Galadriel + Silver Harp combo allows some serious shenanigans to constantly be cycling through your deck for events. Magic Ring isn't a bad shout, either, seeing as Galadriel and Island Amid Perils should be more than enough to handle your gain. As such, once you're up and running, your bouncing events should almost always pull back Galadhrim Minstrel and/or Galadhrim Weaver to keep the deck full of events to pull with the Mirror.

In solo, you can manage the board long enough to get operational by spewing out allies early with the help of Captain's Wisdom and O Lórien!. Don't be afraid to keep flooding the board until you can get the Mirror/Harp engine running.

In multiplayer, someone else will almost always be able to handle the early combat, which allows you to prioritize the perfect set-up.

Ideally, you want to get a jumpstart with one piece of the Mirror/Harp combo in your opening hand or an early O Lórien!. Other than that, just remember that you're almost always trying to make sure that at least one copy of all your bouncing events are in your deck so you can keep grabbing them with the mirror or minstrel, then putting them back with the weaver.