Mr Hirgon

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Mr. Underhill 4274

This is the Hirgon build I used for The Thing in the Depths Nightmare Mode. Livestreamed with @bgamerjoe on 21/04/2018.

Attempt 1: (Stream disconnected.)

Attempt 2:

It is intended as a multiplayer rather than a solo deck because it has a good amount of ranged and sentinel. Ideally it's supported by a deck running Narya and Círdan the Shipwright to get ally readying. This also gives access to Unexpected Courage or Snowmane to allow Theoden to quest / defend / attack.


Apr 21, 2018 Beorn 14320

I like it. This hero lineup is incredibly effective. My thematic side has to wonder why you didn't include Oath of Eorl - it is especially good for one epic turn with Éowyn and readying.

Apr 21, 2018 Mr. Underhill 4274

@Beorn Thanks! I do like to play Oath of Eorl with this lineup, and it works great with Eowyn. But in this build I lean a bit more towards defenders, and I aim to put out 1 or 2 mid range allies every round. In testing it I found that I rarely have the resources left for a 3 cost event. That's also why I don't include the heavier tactics allies like Yazan and Beorn.

Apr 20, 2019 kharol 1

Great deck! I had a lot of fun playing it today. It makes me wanna play even more LOTR!

Apr 21, 2019 Mr. Underhill 4274

@kharolThanks, glad to hear it!