Mariner's Secret Stars, The unconventional location control

Questlogs using this decklist
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None. Self-made deck here.
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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Juustoparta 52

Why did I made this deck?

The idea of this deck came by trying to make Mariner's Compass some what useful. With Explore Secret Ways, it becomes a little better. With Distant Stars it becomes more reliable location soft control. To make it some what worthy idea I slapped in A Watchful Peace and Shadow of the Past to roll on upcoming turns. Eryn Galen Settler further pushes this soft conrol a bit further. Dúnedain Pathfinder is free ally and if lucky the location is already active.

Why should you ever play this?

Because other location control decks are boring to play. Mulligan into Northern Tracker or whatever and make money. With this deck location control becomes a bit deeper when predicting oncoming locations and where to travel in order to mimize threat at hand. This has slight edge on boring traditional progress placing controls when more location cards are revealed and wating for them to wear out. With Explore Secret Ways and Distant Stars all new locations might not contribute their threats. And finding a better way out with Mariner's Compass you have better positioned yourself for upcoming turns. Plus you can start fishing into more advantageous locations.

As it is simpler in single player to control locations, this design gets better more locations are revealed by the encounter deck and Northern Tracker or Rhovanion Outrider aren't immediately kicking in. So this deck falls in multiplayer location control slot against location heavy deck with small amount of variety (read: no real use as other options are more viable).

How it rolls?

Use Thurindir to fetch Explore Secret Ways. Quest the side quest and play Mariner's Compasses on your scout allies. Travel to location which has multiple copies on the staging area. Try to find more copies of that location with Mariner's Compass. After location is explored it can be cycled with A Watchful Peace and Shadow of the Past. Dwarven Tomb can give a help for recycling A Watchful Peace. Use Explorer's Almanac to explore other locations in the staging area.

If you can pull a win from a quest with this deck you have earned yourself a right for self patting.


Apr 03, 2018 sappidus 766

Never thought of using Mariner's Compass to help seed Explore Secret Ways! Nice ideas in this deck.

Oct 08, 2018 jamjams32 1061

I’ve had this deck saved for awhile and have been meaning to play it. I’ve made just a few changes to it, the major one being including the recently released card The Hidden Way. I feel like it’s an auto include in this deck helping you avoid enemies and further push that location control while mitigating the encounter deck. What are your thoughts on The Hidden Way in this deck?