Elledan and Elrohir - Noldor Secrecy

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None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
The Children of Elrond - My Dwarrowdelf Deck 3 0 0 1.0
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Mortendall 589

Mortendall has a newer deck inspired by this one: The Children of Elrond - My Dwarrowdelf Deck

My attempt to make a deck exploring the Elladan Elrohir synergy and the secrecy mechanic (which I embarrasingly declared unplayable at the Facebook group some time ago... The naivity of youth).

The deck was made as a thematic deck to play Redhorn Gate and The Road to Rivendell. It beat Redhorn Gate in the first attempt.

The deck hopes for an explosive turn 1 in secrecy to gain an advantage. Mulligan for Timely aid and Resourceful - unless you gain a Song of Travel + Elrond's Council, or have a Vanish From Sight in Hand.

ideally, the Timely aid should get you Glorfindel or Erestor. When you get enough Elves on the board, you should be able to quest for 10 willpower pr. round. Put a Light of Valinor on Elladan, freeing him to attack. The brothers are very capable of handling combat by themselves, especially if you land a Resourceful on both of them. The deck is fun to play, and has convinced me that secrecy can be super powerful. Enjoy!


Mar 25, 2018 Ryson 212

Have you considered Strider?

Mar 25, 2018 Ryson 212

it is better than light of Valinor in your deck since it has an extra effect plus you do not need spirit resource match

Mar 25, 2018 Mortendall 589

Yeah, I did consider it, it would be a super addition to the deck. However, I chose to include LoV instead as it was the more thematic choice. But if I were to bring the deck to an event, I would definetely include Strider. Might add it to the sideboard for the deck. Thanks for the suggestion!

Mar 25, 2018 Ryson 212

Another suggestion: I guess you will not like it since it is not thematic :) Have you consider adding Folco Boffin ? Turn 1 You can use his resource to pay for a song of travel and sacrifice him immediatly => You pass at level of threat of 19 and you gain one turn of secrecy :)

Mar 26, 2018 Mortendall 589

I like that thought! It's a reliable way to stay in secrecy. That way you could also throw a few lore secrecy cards in there (Needful to Know, Out of the Wild) which can always be cast later by using A good harvest. That would be a good choice instead og Taking Initiative. Having tinkered a bit more with the deck, I find that it rarely triggers in this build. It is good for getting Glorfindel and/or Elven Light in the discard pile though. Cool suggestion!

Mar 26, 2018 Ryson 212

Unfortunately, you will not be able to play any secrecy lore cards at the beginning. Because you need to discard Folco Boffin first before going back to secrecy. You are at 26 threat with the three heroes. And once he is discarded you no longer have access to lore but you are at a threat level of 19.