5 wins vs. attempts - Progressive play #2

Questlogs using this decklist
Passage Through Mirkwood - 1 Player - 2024-12-23
Journey Along the Anduin - 1 Player - 2024-12-24
Fellowships using this decklist
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None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

matrosh 552

I decided to do little experiment and try how many attempts I will need to win 5 times with deck, also using progressive play, so only the cards, which were available at that time, when scenario was out. This is #2: Journey Down the Anduin, where the most important mechanics of the deck is to add as many allies as possible, to be able to past the 2B part in one run. Starting threat is 27, which is also enough time to stop the Hill troll.

Choice of heroes and attachments:

Éowyn is best choice for questing and avoiding the growing of threat. Celebrían's Stone and Protector of Lórien are for her to boost willpower even more (I personally got on 10 willpower here). Steward of Gondor is also for her, since the deck has most expensive cards from sphere and she can also use Stand and Fight to bring back anyone from discard pile. Théodred is glue hero of this company, used mainly for his ability to generate resources and access to sphere. The Favor of the Lady are for him to boost his poor will power. He is very helpful mainly at the beginning of the game. Beravor is the main defender and when she don't have to, her ability is triggered every round. She is great card generator and Unexpected Courage is for her to give me 4 cards per round if not defending. Protector of Lórien also goes on her to give her bigger defense. If you doing it correctly, by the start of third round, you got plenty of cards and lot of resources. Forest Snare is for Hill Troll.

Choice of allies:

Daughter of the Nimrodel will heal your heroes using her only in last phase of the round to avoid damage. Faramir will boost your will power after new encounter card is shown if needed, otherwise use him for defending. Gandalf is most powerful card so far, using him for everything he can do. Gléowine is not so important this time, since you got Beravor so he is best choice for replacement, however he will give you extra card per round, using him only in last phase of the round to avoid damage. Guard of the Citadel is cheap soldier, extra muscle for questing and attack, expendable in defending for big enemies. Henamarth Riversong will show you the next encounter card, using him only in last phase of the round to avoid damage. Not so helpful in 2B part, however one-eyed man is still a king in the land of blind. Northern Tracker deals with locations in staging area. Snowbourn Scout extra cheap help for locations and expendable in defending for big enemies. Son of Arnor is here only to deal with Goblin Sniper. Wandering Took same as Guard with one extra shield used mainly with Strength of Will.


A Test of Will for canceling treacheries. Dwarven Tomb to bring back Will of the West or Galadhrim's Greeting. Ever Vigilant to give allies second action. Hasty Stroke to cancel shadow cards. Radagast's Cunning and Secret Paths to avoid traveling and accelerating progress in 2B scenario. Sneak Attack is for Gandalf, but I used it often also on Snowbourn Scout this time. Stand and Fight used mostly on Scout, but very helpful also when you miss resources from other spheres. Strength of Will to accelerate game progression usually used with Wandering Took. The Galadhrim's Greeting to lower your threat and Will of the West to bring back cards you need again.

I won 5 games in 10 attempts and I was not so lucky, 'cause I was killed twice by setup only.


Mar 23, 2018 Wandalf the Gizzard 2542

Pursued by Shadow in the before quest phase? That has spelled doom for me many times.

Mar 23, 2018 matrosh 552

Yes, exactly :)