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Win Condition 4: Defeat the Boss Swarm | 4 | 1 | 8 | 1.0 |
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In Play
Discard Pile
Seastan 45852
You have drawn your entire deck into your hand and Boromir has infinite resources. It's the planning phase. You're engaged with a Cavern Guardian. Can you play the Free Peoples this phase?
- There should be no luck involved in your solution (other than the fact that you will always find an eligible target with Out of the Wild, if you happen to use it).
Please use to encrypt your answers.
Mar 08, 2018 |
Mar 08, 2018Missed the encryption, sorry. I didn't successfully copy the encrypted version. Any way to delete this? |
Mar 08, 2018Encrypted version: Znlor V'z zvffvat fbzrguvat, orpnhfr guvf frrzf gb rnfl: Fgnegvat genvgf: Tbaqbe, Aboyr, Jneevbe (3) Cynl Rys-sevraq ba Obebzve: Abyqbe, Fvyina (5) Cynl Srneyrff Fpbhg ba Obebzve: Fpbhg (6) Cynl Qbhtugl Enatre ba Obebzve: Enatre (7) Cynl Abe nz V n Fgenatre ba Obebzve: Ebuna (8) Cynl Cevapr Vzenuvy Ab genvgf tnvarq Cynl Cevapr bs Qby Nzebgu ba Cevapr Vzenuvy: Bhgynaqf (9) Cynl Gur Serr Crbcyrf |
Mar 08, 2018
Mar 08, 2018Are you in secrecy? |
Mar 08, 2018
Mar 08, 2018
Mar 08, 2018
Mar 08, 2018V zvffrq n irel vzcbegnag qrgnvy - nyyl Vzenuvy qbrfa'g unir Jneevbe. Zl fbyhgvba unq na rkgen erfbhepr erznvavat ba Vzenuvy naq bayl cynlrq 1 bs gur 3 pbcvrf bs Tnvavat Fgeratgu. Vs gur bgure 2 pbcvrf jrer cynlrq, gurer jbhyq or rabhtu erfbheprf gb cynl gur Fbat bs Onggyr ba Vzenuvy naq gura cynl Zvtugl Jneevbe, tvivat uvz gur 9gu Genvg. Fgvyy, V qvqa'g abgvpr gur zvfgnxr hagvy nsgre ybbxvat ng bguref' fbyhgvbaf. |
Mar 19, 2018Is "you will always find an eligible target with Out of the Wild" necessary? I don't think so. |
Dec 15, 2019I know this probably won't get seen but I thought I might as well put my idea in. Cynaavat cunfr: Cynl Fbat bs Xvatf ba Obebzve, Farnx Nggnpx va Cevapr Vzenuvy, chg rys-sevraq naq cevapr bs qby-nzebgu ba Vzenuvy, Qvfpneq Obebzve fb Vzenuvy vf n ureb, cynl Whfgvpr Funyy or Qbar (3 erfbheprf), Cynl gur Juvgr Pbhapvy gb fuhssyr gur Fbat bs Xvatf onpx vagb lbhe qrpx (2), Cynl Srneyrff fpbhg gb qenj gur Fbat (1), Cynl gur Fbat (0), Cynl nyy guerr Jrnyguf bs Tbaqbe naq gura nyy guerr Tnvavat Fgeratgu (6), Cynl fbat bs Jvfqbz (5), Cynl 2 pbcvrf bs Vagb gur jvyq (3), Cynl nyy guerr Xrra nf Ynaprf sbe serr gb trg erfbheprf fvapr gur gjb pneqf sebz rnpu Vagb gur Jvyq naq Whfgvpr Funyy or Qbar (9), Cynl Qbhtugl Enatre (8), Cynl Abe nz V n Fgenatre (7), Cynl Fbat bs Onggyr (6), Cynl Zvtugl Jneevbe (5), Vzenuvy unf Tbaqbe/Aboyr sebz uvzfrys, Abyqbe/Flyina sebz rys-sevraq, Bhgynaqre sebz cevapr bs qby-nzebgu, Fpbhg sebz Srneyrff fpbhg, Enatre sebz Qbhtugl Enatre, Ebuna sebz Abe nz V n fgenatre, naq Jneevbe sebz Zvtugl Jneevbe, fb cnl gur 5 erznvavat erfbheprf sbe gur Serr Crbcyrf |
Maybe I'm missing something, because this seems to easy: Starting traits: Gondor, Noble, Warrior (3) Play Elf-friend on Boromir: Noldor, Silvan (5) Play Fearless Scout on Boromir: Scout (6) Play Doughty Ranger on Boromir: Ranger (7) Play Nor am I a Stranger on Boromir: Rohan (8) Play Prince Imrahil No traits gained Play Prince of Dol Amroth on Prince Imrahil: Outlands (9) Play The Free Peoples