Anborn, the Hero we Need

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Sniper Haldir 2 1 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
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Seastan 45852

Enemies will be dead by the time they get to you.

Play Sneak Attack + Anborn + Sword-thain + Wingfoot and you can start dealing out 2 damage to every enemy that gets revealed. Then you have your Gondorian Spearman and Gondorian Spearman to deal 2 more damage to finish them off. Enemies with greater than 4 total hit points can be weakened first with Ranger Bows.

The initial 4 card combo can be tricky to obtain. I would suggest trying to mulligan for Peace, and Thought, and hopefully you will draw into a Tighten Our Belts and/or a Legacy of Númenor to have enough resources to play down the combo by the second turn.


May 17, 2016 thaiboy79 1

First of all, I just want to thank you for sharing this deck, it is amazing and I can't wait to try it out.

At first I was confused at the need to put Sword Thain on Anborn, as my understanding of the use of Wingfoot would simply allow him to quest for 1 Willpower and then ready to exhaust and use his character ability. However, upon closer reading of Wingfoot I realized for the first time that Wingfoot doesn't exhaust when you ready the attached Hero. So, am I right in assuming that Anborn (as long as he had committed to the quest) he will ready each and every time an enemy(assuming enemy is chosen with Wingfoot) is revealed?

May 17, 2016 Seastan 45852

@thaiboy79Yes, that's the idea! So the deck works best in 3-4 player games with a lot of weak enemies (7th Level is a good one).

May 18, 2016 thaiboy79 1

Awesome. Thanks!

May 30, 2016 wehehe 1299

Hi @Seastan Are you totally sure that wingfoot works this way? According to its text, I'd say that it just readies the hero one time, at the end of the staging phase, if any cards matching the type have been revealed.

May 30, 2016 Seastan 45852

@weheheYes, I'm sure. We briefly talk about this combo with the developers on episode 100 of Cardboard of the RIngs. Be sure to check it out once it's released!

May 30, 2016 wehehe 1299

Good to read that ! As this combo requires some specific cards... don't you think it could work better with the new Denethor to have the resources, and Galdor to help you get the cards faster? If you're lucky you can Sneak Anborn and play sword-thain on it on first round.

May 30, 2016 Seastan 45852

@weheheYes and if you include stuff like Wealth of Gondor, Gaining Strength, and Captain's Wisdom for Denethor you could play Anborn outright on turn 1.

Jun 30, 2020 TheGameLocker 1396

Was Wingfoot errata’d to exhaust when you ready the attached hero? So this deck doesn’t really work anymore?

Jul 01, 2020 Seastan 45852

@Sclocker Yeah it's not so effective anymore.

Jul 01, 2020 DurinVoronwe 15

At least you can make it consistet with (MotK) Anborn.