Free Races of Middle-earth: Ent

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Free Races of Middle-earth: Ent 0 1 2 1.0
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Rouxxor 1830

I decide to rebuild more thematic version of my tribal decks, based on the rules of the Free Races of Middle-earth of the Lure of Middle-Earth event:

For the first time in this project there is absolutely no hero among the possibility that inspire me :/. I'm fan of Faramir for untap the ent, of Grima (at 1/2 players) for lowering their cost, of Aragorn who allow all the doomed in the world... I have no feeling for treebeard hero because of wich I can't play treebear ally :/.

So I just considere this build with the next extension: Crossing at Poros. Because I think those rules are made thinking about the dam bursts. I include also quickbeam hero and magic ring. I go for playing leadership or spirit only because there is too few good cards in my main sphere (no good ent attachments). Leadership allow legacy of numenor (that sould be played in any learship non secrecy multiplayer deck according to me) who give a big boost but nothing else, except eventually sneak attack + gandalf. I clearly prefer some good stuff in spirit, counter and untap.