Location Busters

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None. Self-made deck here.
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Lugar de quest 0 0 0 3.0
Location Busters 0 0 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
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The BGamerJoe 5242

For several years we asked for more options to prevent location lock and the game designers certainly delivered! We have so many options at this point that you can't even fit it all in a devoted location-control deck.The new Backtrack and Heirs of Earendil have really increased the effectiveness of the deck style, especially with new locations that stop progress being placed into the staging area.

I created this deck to help manage locations in a four-player game of The Ruins of Belegost and it did major work even far surpassing the utility of the Dwarf deck I was running before.

While this is primarily a location control/support deck, it can handle some combat as well. Tale of Tinúviel can even help defend and counterattack against a large enemy.

  • Bifur helps us start at a nice low 23 threat and helps with resource smoothing. Ideally another player at the table can send a few resources your way as well.

  • Both Glorfindel and Idraen can quest and manage the combat phase with their action advantage. Their combined traits give them access to both Heirs of Earendil and Tale of Tinúviel.The Steed of Imladris can go on either/both of them so you can use Elven-light for card draw as needed. Idraen can puff away those dupes with her trusty pipe delivered by Bilbo Baggins.

  • Idrean could possibly ready during the combat phase using Backtrack, Asfaloth or the Mirkwood Explorer's action.

  • Both Heirs of Earendil and the Eryn Galen Settler can get rid of extra troublesome locations that prevent progress being placed on them while in the staging area. The Settler is also a nice boost to your attack while he waits to settle down to a domestic life.

  • The Northern Tracker is still one of the most powerful location control cards out there, but he can be hard to get out. Ideally you can get him into play with the Elf-Stone, but if you can't your other options should help keep the location pileup at bay until you can afford to pay full price.

  • Asfaloth is so good it's worth including a couple Westfold Horse-breeders to find it. She can be a nice chump blocker or target for ally hate that might come off the encounter deck. She's basically an insurance policy for the "useful allies" after she's fetched that mount.
  • With plenty of strong Spirit events in the deck, the Dwarven Tomb lends flexibility.

  • If you wanted to try this as a solo deck, bringing the Dunedain Pathfinder in from the sideboard would be a good call. The Ranger of Cardolan can be a good combat phase card for a solo game as well.

  • With 7 starting traits found on the heroes, including a copy of The Free Peoples off the sideboard might be worth it. The Free Peoples is the ultimate "support card" and even one play of this event can turn a game around. The Warden of Healing provides the 8th and 9th traits needed to play it. Woodman, Rohan, Hobbit will also help you get to 9 traits.

Don't underestimate the power of location control! In that four player game of Ruins of Belegost I mentioned earlier, this deck reduced the needed willpower from around 40 to around 15 and it freed everyone up so they were able to kill enemies instead of quest to the maximum.

I played a few solo games with this deck since and I was able to beat Passage Through Mirkwood, Hills of Emen Muil (of course), Foundations of Stone and even Escape from Umbar with it.

For solo play remove the Almanac and Backtrack and add the third copy of Tale of Tinuviel, Quickbeam, the Pathfinders and one or two Rangers of Cardolan.

I intend to bring this to an event focusing on the Harad cycle quests this weekend and I expect it to make life much easier for the other players at the table. While this deck is a support deck, it's still fun to play and you can still contribute to the combat phase. Give it a try at your next 3-4 player game and let me know how it performs!


Feb 22, 2018 The Purple Wizard 1207

I haven't tried building a true location control deck in a while, so it's fun to see all the new options and possibilities here. You've definitely included a few things I wouldn't have thought of.

My main question looking at this is card draw. In a four-player game, where this deck is most likely to be, is Ancient Mathom really that helpful to this deck? I'm thinking you might be better off dropping it and using those three slots on one more of Bilbo, Elven Light, and the Horse-breeder, since that's what you're already trying to use, for more consistent draw. Or maybe a Gather Information?

Feb 22, 2018 The BGamerJoe 5242

@The Purple Wizard Hmm... that would be more consistent. But that cheap mathom is so tempting!

Feb 24, 2018 Odsidian22 258

My first posted deck was an Idraen Location deck. I was still really new at the game and it wasn't the most optimal build. I'm glad to see her popping up again.

Feb 24, 2018 The BGamerJoe 5242

@The Purple Wizard You’re right. I played it again today with 4 and it took forever to get the Steed and Elven-Light in hand at the same time. Going 3x for those and cutting Mathom is probably best.

Feb 25, 2018 The Purple Wizard 1207

I'm curious to hear whether my suggestions are better than, say, just swapping the mathoms for 3x Daeron's Runes. If you do further testing on that, let me know. :)

The other question I had was about travel costs. Once this deck is going strong it shouldn't be a problem, but early on a key one could be costly. I've always considered travel costs to be part of my location control decks' goals. Might not 2x Ghân-buri-Ghân be more useful than Quickbeam and 1 of the explorers?

Feb 25, 2018 The BGamerJoe 5242

I'm not excited about Daeron's Runes since there aren't many duplicates in the deck. The Dunedain Pipe does plenty in that department. Thor's Map and Thor's Key would both fit just fine here. Quickbeam certainly isn't crucial, but he's so cheap and helps with killing things so I threw him in.

I found that the Explorer was excellent. I wouldn't cut one of them. His decent willpower and targeted progress drop were super helpful with those Towering Dunes from the Harad cycle. Kept the Northern Trackers working.

I played this deck with 3 others against Poros today and by mid-game the staging area was entirely clear! Had a good time with it.