Red 5 Standing By

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Battle of the Five Armies
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Card draw simulator
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SamthemanGamgee 483

here is my take on a hirgon deck, i am usually a solo player so i dont normally use tactics. with this in mind i decided to build a mono tactics solo deck. keep in mind that eowyn gives you minus three to your threat so you start at 26. (in setup)

strategy: get a defender out quick, whether its boromir with the gondorian shield, the winged guardian, or defender of rammas. then quest and go from there good allies are legolas for card draw and eagles of the misty mountains get better over time book of eldacar is good to get back events like foe hammer and the eagles are coming

good luck


Feb 20, 2018 Wandalf the Gizzard 2542

Love the name! All of those red whatever-your-number-is can get annoying.

Feb 20, 2018 SamthemanGamgee 483

You are so nice! But yes it can except in the family guy star wars special :p