Blacken the Sky *CotR Deckbox*

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AtaruSlash 4625

The bow and arrow revolutionized warfare, and now it's doing fun things for LotR LCG. Skyward Volley awakened something in me. It seems like a decently powerful card at first blush, but it really requires a couple of things to get working. First, you need draw, which is its biggest issue. For the card to be truly effective, you need to see multiple copies of it, and to see multiple copies, you need draw. In tactics. Where it generally sucks. Enter Háma. He offers the recursion and flexibility you need to make the deck sing. The standard weapon/Foe-hammer combo is here, and with Háma, just gives you draw for days.

The centerpiece of the deck, though, are the direct damage events. Skyward Volley is prominently featured of course, and once you see the second one, the shenanigans begin. Many enemies just straight up die from 4 damage, and the ones who don't, well, are pretty easy for Háma to attack and start the whole thing over again. In the early game, the ol' Háma Feint-lock should keep you safe from the bigger enemies, and Faramir with a shield should be able to defend the rest.

The allies are mostly just small ranged bodies to fuel the events. In fact, you almost never want to traditionally attack with the Vassal of the Windlords and Trollshaw Scouts. Keeping them on the board for the events, especially a late game Hail of Stones is far more of a payoff in the long run. In fact, in early testing, much to my surprise, Hail of Stones becomes the rock star in this deck once it's set up. Popping 5-7 damage on an enemy in the staging area during questing becomes super easy, and if there's any left to clean up, Háma grabs it back for next time, with some nice synergy from Faramir to boot.

Now, go make a pincushion out of Sauron.


Apr 13, 2016 noctum 19

Nice deck

Apr 13, 2016 teamjimby 937

It doesn't seem like Faramir is doing much in this deck and there isn't much leadership. Would you be better off going mono tactics with Beregond, Mablung, or Bard/Brand?

Apr 13, 2016 AtaruSlash 4625

@teamjimbyit may seem that way, but in practice he fills a lot of roles. He's a ranged body for Rúmil or Skyward Volley, and even though there's not a whole lot of leadership in the deck, what's there is important. Sneak Attack/Gandalf is doing what it always does, and Steward of Gondor is key to the late game for getting out allies and affording the events. Probably most importantly though, he's a Gondor hero with 5 HP and 2 Def, so with shield he becomes a super solid defender which is where the deck needed a bit of help. You could probably run this out of Mono Tactics just fine, but I really like how it works with the off sphere includes.

Nov 04, 2016 Trizzo134 1

@teamjimby how does the questing/threat go especially in quests with higher requirment? i really like the build btw, going to try it out tommorrow

Jul 20, 2019 Christian_Medic 1074

Loving the sea of arrows here