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In Play
Discard Pile
m3Ss1 40
Deck Overview
Specifically built to rule first quest of Core Set, using only the cards from a single core box.
My best score with this deck is 75 (30 final threat, 5 Victory Points, 5 rounds).
How does it work?
Always send Éowyn to quest. When Aragorn has enough resources can ready himself and go to quest too. Denethor should always be used to defend (when no allies are available) and then he should be used to send back nasty treachery cards.
What are the must have cards for this quest?
-Miner of the Iron Hills: you want at least one of these dwarf in your hand for those nasty spider silk treachery cards.
-Steward of Gondor: this deck needs a lot of resources to run smoothly. If you have a Celebrían's Stone in hand, attach it to big boy Aragorn, otherwise is safer to give it directly to Éowyn.
-Combo Sneak Attack + Gandalf: the strongest combo in Core Set. Don't be afraid to use card draw and (most important) threat reduction options.
-Unexpected Courage: this can go to Aragorn if you see that you need more firepower during combat phase or you need more help during research phase. If you give it to Dúnhere you can use him during combat and at the end of the round to look at the topmost card of the encounter deck (very important!).
Wait, what? Beorn in a deck? Are you serious?
Yes I am. Here is how you can play it:
-Sneak Attack: 8 damages from a single source that will jump back in your hand while that axe is still bleeding.
-If you draw it too early in the game you can discard him with Éowyn ability and get him back from the grave using Stand and Fight when you have enough resources. Consider him as a valid late game option available in your discard pile.
Used your deck today and won in normal mode. Score: 35-4(victory)+9x10=121. I will try NM later. Nice tournament deck from only the core set. I wonder how this restricted deck will hold against the Dol Guldur quest... Thanks for sharing this deck;)