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Card draw simulator |
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In Play
Discard Pile
sappidus 766
A straightforward Dúnedain build.
Its hidden virtue explains the card choices to some extent: the few uniques it uses -- heroes Amarthiúl, Halbarad, and Mablung, as well as Heir of Valandil -- are unlikely to be used by most other people in a playgroup, especially those not up-to-date on the card pool. (Mablung, the chronologically earliest unique, doesn't show up until deep in the Ring-maker cycle.)
Despite this seeming restriction, it can work quite well. I beat The Dread Realm when pairing this with a Gandalf/Elrond/Glorfindel deck. Despite the raw power of the Gandalf deck, it was these Dúnedain that won the day, surviving being engaged with 6-7 enemies for multiple rounds.