Questlogs using this decklist | |
None. |
Fellowships using this decklist | |
None. |
Derived from |
None. Self-made deck here. |
Inspiration for | ||||
Songs Beyond the Great River | 2 | 2 | 0 | 1.0 |
Songs for Rosie | 6 | 2 | 0 | 2.0 |
Card draw simulator |
0% –
0% –
Gameplay simulator | ||
In Play
Discard Pile
Beorn 14320
This deck represents a couple of firsts. It is my first Hobbit deck since the release of Rosie Cotton, and my first deck featuring Folco Boffin. Ever since Secrecy was released, I have been intrigued by alternative strategies than the traditional brute force approach. There is an appeal to the prospect of using Hobbits and Songs to handle questing and combat, instead of the more iconic heroes loaded with weapons.
The goal of this deck is fairly simple. We want to get Rosie Cotton in play as quickly as possible and then attach Sword-thain to transform her into a hero. We can then attach Fireside Song along with the plethora of other Song attachments to boost Rosie's willpower considerably. Although her ability has a limit of once per phase, we can still use Fast Hitch to ensure that Sam benefits during questing and combat.
Depending on when we draw Resourceful, we can discard Folco on the first turn (make sure to spend his resource before discarding him). He's here to give us a low starting threat, and his stats are useful if we end up keeping him around for a few rounds. Ideally, by the mid game we will have enough loaded on Sam and Rosie so that they can handle things on their own. Hobbit decks can notoriously struggle with combat, so Folco's two attack can help while we work to get the Rosie and Sam engine running.
Like many combo decks, this can benefit from the support of a more traditional deck. My goal is continue to tweak and improve it, until it is proficient as a solo deck against some quests. With low hit points and starting combat prowess, it is unlikely that all Hobbit decks will ever be an ideal choice for some quests, but Rosie definitely makes this archetype more viable than it ever was in the past.
Dec 17, 2017 |
Dec 18, 2017Yes, I ended up dropping Steward. Tighten is an interesting thought, and I will have to give it a try. The reason I went with Legacy instead is that I want to get Rosie Cotton in play on the first round if at all possible. Also, the threat raise from the Doomed is less of an issue when Folco is going to lower it. |
Dec 18, 2017It works! I tested it against Journey Down the Anduin and got a win! I wrote up my experience playing it here: |
Dec 18, 2017@beorn I see, that makes sense. Thanks for your reply! |
Dec 18, 2017Thanks for giving the deck a try, I removed:
And added:
For quests with direct damage, archery, or encounter cards which punish low characters counts, I would strongly recommend the following sideboard cards: |
Dec 19, 2017Gave this deck a try, and I have to say I'm impressed. Rosie can do some serious work! The problem I ran into was Rosie Cotton's once per phase limit, though. How do you both defend and attack in a round, especially towards the end of the game? |
Dec 20, 2017Thanks |
Dec 20, 2017Cool deck, I want to make something similarly thematic for the finish of my saga campaign, but that Mountain of Fire box is just so hard, especially with Wraiths on Wings hanging out in the staging area. This gives me an idea though. I had songs on Sam, but I like them better on Rosie like you have here. I have her paired with hero Faramir in another deck, but that only works if she's an ally. If you instead make her an Elf-friend and give her Light of Valinor, she can get some extra use out of the willpower on those attachments... |
Dec 20, 2017Yes, my hope with this deck is to make Sam capable in all aspects of the game - with the eventual goal of tackling the Mountain of Fire. It remains to be seen whether or not this goal is realistic, but it is an interesting challenge nevertheless. At times, I wish that Hobbit-sense worked a bit differently, but I may look into direct damage as a way of handling Wraith on Wings. Their twelve hit points just makes them difficult to handle - no matter what my strategy is. |
I'm curious about the amount of resource acceleration cards you're using. To me Steward of Gondor is either a none-of or a three-of, so I'm wondering why you've only got one copy. I know you have a lot of draw so you have a good chance of seeing it during the game, but it strikes me as a slot you could open up for something else. Also, did you try Tighten our Belts instead of Legacy of Numenor?