Hobbit sword-thain Rosie solo

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Hobbit sword-thain solo 0 0 3 2.0
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Card draw simulator
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The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

zjensen3 51

You want to engage enemies with higher cost to get maximum bonus from all the cards.

Merry gets: X2 Dagger, Boots, Fast Hitch, Friend of Friends

Pippin gets: Ring Mail, Steward (depends on situation)

Sam gets: Steward (depends on situation), Friend of Friends, Ring Mail

Rosie gets: Sword-thain, Ring Mail, X3 Dunedain Quest, Celebrian's Stone, X2 Fast Hitch, Boots

Rosie can have the Boots, Ring Mail, and Fast Hitch's before she is even made a hero.

She can use her 7WP to boost in 3 different phases.

Maybe it's not super powerful, but I think it will be fun.


Dec 15, 2017 Tkohl 49

Shouldn't Merry get Steward over Pippin? The average cost per card in Tactics is 2, whereas Lore is 1.2 (ringsdb doesn't factor in the cost reduction of Take No Notice, so the total cost drops from 25 to 16). Also, the Tactics cards seem more essential to get out quickly than the Lore cards (with the exception of Fast Hitch, but that only costs 1 anyways).

Dec 15, 2017 zjensen3 51

@Tkohl Yes you make a good point. I actually meant to put “steward depending on the situation” on all 3 starting heroes but I guess I forgot. But with the points you bring up, it would probably never go on pippin. The hard part is deciding between Sam and merry. Sam needs it more for sure but once Rosie is in play, he won’t need it anymore. That’s why I wanted it to depend on the situation. But again, pippin wouldn’t get it. Thanks!