Stop! Hama Time.

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Stop! Hama Time. *CotR Deckbox* 5 4 3 2.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

AtaruSlash 4594

AtaruSlash has a newer deck inspired by this one: Stop! Hama Time. *CotR Deckbox*

A tactics deck by a traditionally non-tactics player. Make those red cards dance! Built around our new tactics Aragorn (henceforth referred to as Scorpigorn), this deck is pure enemy management. Engage lots of enemies and dispatch them in short order. That is all. Perfect to pair with a strong questing, weak combat deck.

The three heroes actually represent the three pillars of deck design. Since you will be engaging enemies left and right, Mablung will see to it that you are flush with resources to deal with them. Hama, combined with your weapons and recurring Foe Hammer, will draw you cards for days. Scorpigorn is the utility hero, making both of the other pillars stand, enabling you to keep the engine rolling while you cleave a bloody path through enemies.

To start, the ideal hand contains at least one weapon and at least one Foe-Hammer. It can function without, but the the sooner you can get the Hama-cycling going, the sooner the deck just sings (this should be alleviated by the eventual addition of the new Legolas ally). Get weapons and horses on Hama and Scorpigorn, and just go to town, drawing and engaging all the while. The shield ideally goes on Mablung to turn him into a decent defender, which leads me to one hitch to the deck: there's not a whole lot by way of defense in the heroes, so it pretty much all comes from elsewhere. The good ol' Hama feint-lock can get you out of a fair few tight spots until you get the Hama Hammer rolling, and the Defenders of Rammas, Henneth Annun Guards, White Tower Watchmen, Treebeard, and if need be, Gandalf, supplement the otherwise heroic lack of consistent defenders.

A few fun tricks this deck can pull:

Quick Strike- If you have an enemy engaged, this can be a great planning or quest action to kill your current enemy (and probably draw cards), and grab another enemy to reduce threat in the staging area (and gain resouces). Don't have an enemy, but want to pull this stunt? Well, just play your Dunedain Hunter, and you've basically got enemies on demand.

Straight shot- Your mileage will vary with this card depending on the quest, but with Scorpigorn's static enemy debuff, any enemy engaged with you who has printed defense of 1 or less becomes instant straight shot fodder. Great for those times when you've grabbed one more enemy than you can kill, and need to finish it off.

Impromtu engagement- this deck has 12 different cards in it that can engage an enemy out of turn (and ASco. Short a resource for that combo in your hand? Discard a westfold outrider and let Mablung do his work. Did that enemy go back to the staging area? It tried. It tried...