Questlogs using this decklist | |
None. |
Fellowships using this decklist | |
None. |
Derived from |
None. Self-made deck here. |
Inspiration for | ||||
The Three Friends | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
Aided By The Lady | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1.0 |
Aided By His Father | 5 | 1 | 0 | 1.0 |
Card draw simulator |
0% –
0% –
Gameplay simulator | ||
In Play
Discard Pile
Darkling Door 6609
This is a deck built from just Core Set + The Sands of Harad cards for Path Less Traveled, an ongoing series on my blog, Darkling Door.
Played Against: Desert Crossing
Leading the deck
This deck aims to make maximum use of Legolas and Gimli's abilities.
Every round (until perhaps the late game) I use Beravor' s ability to draw cards, and then send both Legolas and Gimli on the quest. Then I discard a card to fuel Legolas' ability, readying Gimli so that I have someone ready for defense should I need it. In the event that an Enemy comes out, I use Gimli's ability to ready up Legolas to kill it. Easy peasy.
Ideally I want to see either The Storm Comes or Steward of Gondor in my opening hand. Fortunately, there's plenty of card draw to be found in this deck—Unlikely Friendship, Gandalf, and Gléowine, to name just a few of my many options—so locating any particular card isn't too hard even if it doesn't turn up right away.
Best case scenario, I'd like to clear The Storm Comes early on, both to help me play down my Allies more quickly and to activate the Halfling Bounder's superpower. It's not strictly necessary, though, as long as I can manage to draw enough options to use the resources that I have when I need them.
Steward of Gondor goes on Gimli to help power his ability, and also to help him afford expensive cards like Faramir.
My favorite combo in the deck is to exhaust Beravor to draw cards, and then use a Greenwood Archer to ready her back up again. Then I can use her stats wherever I need them, assisting during the Questing phase or the Combat phase as necessary.
In all, it's a pretty well rounded deck. It's fun to watch Legolas and Gimli do their thing, questing for 4 and then covering the Combat phase too! And the fact that they have the Ranged and Sentinel keywords makes me think that this would make a fun multiplayer deck.
► For more analysis, check out my blog post on this quest.