Ever present Lords of the Eldar

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Ever present Lords of the Eldar 29 18 8 2.0
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ff0x 547

An update on my deck Ever present Lords of the Eldar. The main change is the change of Sailor of Lune to Eregion Survivor.

The premise of the deck is still straight forward:

The rest of the deck helps with the setup to have the premises covered as quickly as possible and to give the deck the ability to handle quest and combat and some threat management.

The combo

To be able to play Lords of the Eldar more then once you need to have 6 resources available each round. Three you will get via your heroes, as soon as you have Song of Travel attached to Erestor. The other three are provided by Steward of Gondor and Arwen Undómiel.

In addition, you will have to have two Lords of the Eldar in your discard pile. One you will discard thanks to Círdan the Shipwright and the other by using Arwen Undómiel to gain the sixth resource you need anyway.

But to get to the point, where you can actually draw two Lords of the Eldar every turn you will to burn through your deck very quickly. Erestor, Círdan the Shipwright, and all the draw effects in the deck help with that particular issue.


To actually gain value out of Lords of the Eldar you will need a reasonable amount of allies in play.

Elven Jeweler

Quite often it can be paid for with cards you might have to discard at the end of the turn anyway, most of the time extra copies of uniques you already have in play.

Eregion Survior

An ally with a built-in effect similar to Lords of the Eldar if you have no cards in hand is an easy include, since that condition is a side effect of how the deck works. The ally already has a very good cost to stat ratio to begin with and the extra hit points help out a lot as a soak for archery or treachery damage.

Galdor of the Havens

The ally offers very good stats and can be easily payed for with the discount you can get using To the Sea, to the Sea!. His ability is very helpful in conjunction with Círdan the Shipwright and will help speeding up the setup.

Gildor Inglorion

While being very expensive, this ally is going to be the main defender with A Burning Brand attached. With two Lords of the Eldar played the defense goes up to 5 and with Narya it goes up to 6 and he can block twice. His ability can be quite helpful, too. In case you need to 'move' a card to the next turn to protect it from the forced discard by Erestor or simply to look for an additional piece to setup a little bit faster.


Offers excellent stats and helps to setup the board state that much faster.


A Burning Brand

A tremendously useful card and it usually this goes on Gildor Inglorion and any extras can be distributed as seen fit.


On the one hand, an extremely potent card with allies that reach ridiculous stats. On the other hand a card that helps setting up faster since it allows you to play Steward of Gondor without A Good Harvest.

Song of Travel

An essential card for the deck, since it gives Erestor the needed icon.

Steward of Gondor

Another essential card for the resources it provides.

To the Sea, to the Sea!

This card makes Gildor and Galdor a lot cheaper and actually playable in the early game. It also has a nice synergy with Lindir.

Unexpected Courage

Just a strong card and incredibly good with Cìrdan the Shipwright and Narya.


A Good Harvest

This is mainly used to play Steward of Gondor but can also help when Song of Travel or To the Sea, to the Sea! are still missing.

Daeron's Runes

Helps with the setting up faster and to find the tools you need.

Deep Knowledge

More cards help a lot. Even though it can be a double edged sword in multiplayer.

Elrond's Counsel

Easy to play and helps with the threat gained by Deep Knowledge. The extra Willpower can also be very helpful but due to the nature of the deck it cannot be saved for later.

Gaining Strength

A surprisingly good card and usually you have Narya attached very quickly. In case you still miss it, you can still use the card for playing an Elven Jeweler or using it with To the Sea, to the Sea!.

Lords of the Eldar

The reason why I built this deck in the first place. Having +2 to , , and for the full round, usually from round five onwards can be ridiculous. Your allies and heroes pretty much work without exhausting and you have some readying effects on top.


A big weakness are treacheries and the dependency on some attachments. While you can still play one Lords of the Eldar reliably without anything but your heroes in play. It also lacks healing in the current form but I try to play with at least two players anyway. While the deck works very well in multiplayer, it does contain a fair number of popular uniques, so it is not that easy to fit in. But if you managed to find another Noldor deck to come along it really shines.


Dec 13, 2017 webslinger9 13

Maybe sideboard Imladris Caregiver for healing? I was looking for a Círdan the Shipwright/Eregion Survivor Deck.

Dec 13, 2017 ff0x 547

Sure, that will work just fine. I prefer to have the Imladris Caregiver in the 2nd deck when playing multiplayer since you will run out of cards eventually or you slip playing one Lords of the Eldar the turn you want to heal once.

Dec 18, 2017 Marcelf 1368

i just realized how good Erestor and Cirdan are combining well thank you! Surprising not to see Glorfindel ally in your deck...

Dec 19, 2017 ff0x 547

@MarcelfYou're welcome, I am glad you like it.

About Glorfindel, the reasoning why I didn't include him is quite easy:

  • I don't get a lot of use out of him, once I am down to two Lords of the Eldar I draw every turn. One I have to discard to Cirdan and the other to Arwen to be able to play two again. So the great readying ability is wasted.
  • I play this deck most of the time in multiplayer and Glorfindel is a popular ally and hero. There is no need to take that away from a deck, that can use the character more effectively. (Especially. since they will get the bonus of Lords of the Eldar, too.