Ready Riders 1 of 2: Swarm and Kill

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Ready Riders
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Errant Riders 1 of 2: Stand and Deliver 1 0 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Pirate Brahm 1062

Pirate Brahm has a newer deck inspired by this one: Errant Riders 1 of 2: Stand and Deliver

Note: I wanted to hold off from publishing this two-handed fellowsip until it went up against The Black Serpent. Its core strategies (aside from mount buffing/readying) are sidequesting with aggressive engagement, which the current cycle enjoys countering. That being said, I'm confident with its potential.

Ready Riders is a two-handed fellowship featuring Aragorn, Idraen, and Théoden in a swarm/kill deck, and buffing up/defending with Éowyn, Erkenbrand, and Elfhelm deck.

  1. Buff the heroes' stats using Elfhelm's passive ability and mounts.
  2. Quest with big numbers, then use the mounts to ready up after questing and during engagement.
  3. Provide a solid sentinel defense, cancelling/discarding shadows with Erkenbrand, Armored Destrier, and Rider of the Mark.
  4. Use Aragorn's "Scorpion" ability to systematically kill and engage enemies, making good use of Steed of the North and Rohan Warhorse.
  5. Turtling. Build the player's board state by avoiding main quest progress through the use of sidequests. Use the rewards of the sidequests to further increase the board state:

    -Keep Watch: debuff enemies (-1)

    -Double Back: reduce threat -

    -Prepare for Battle: card draw

    -Rally the West: extra

Attachment Assignments:

-Aragorn: Steed of the North, Rohan Warhorse, Sword that was Broken, Arod

-Théoden: Snowmane, Gúthwinë, Rohan Warhorse or Golden Shield, Unexpected Courage

-Idraen: Steed of the North

-Éowyn: Windfola

-Erkenbrand: Armored Destrier, Armored Destrier, Unexpected Courage

-Elfhelm: Steward of Gondor, Armored Destrier, Gondorian Shield


The / deck is the real star of the Fellowship, though the / deck is critical to its success. Try to get mounts during the opening draw and attach them as suggested above. Use Westfold Horse-breeder "the horse whifferer" to seek additional mounts.

Questing should not be an issue, as buffing the heroes with mounts will keep the numbers up. Idraen can quest every turn, as her ability will keep her ready to assist Aragorn with kills. Théoden will also quest on Snowmane. Aragorn can quest with a Steed of the North and be ready when the enemies start to engage.

The deck has a higher starting threat, so it should be easier to engage enemies in pairs. That way Erkenbrand can use his Armored Destrier to sentinel defend, cancelling when necessary with his ability, and discarding the shadow card to defend the second enemy. Passing the Rider of the Mark around with resources will help with shadows, as well. Arwen Undómiel should be used to buff up Erkenbrand, but can also provide additional sentinel defense when passed to Elfhelm with a shield.

Steed of the North on Idraen and Rohan Warhorse on Aragorn will keep readying the pair up every time they kill or engage another enemy, so the board will usually be clear of foes by the end of the round.

Use the discard abilities of the Rohan allies. Gamling and Théoden with Gúthwinë will keep them coming back for cheap.

Other Strategies

Card draw: Ancient Mathom, Prepare for Battle, Sneak Attack Gandalf, and Elven-light.

Threat management: Well Warned, Sneak Attack Gandalf, and two copies of Double Back

Resources: Steward of Gondor and Proud Hunters, passed around by Errand-rider

Healing: Dúnedain Remedy, swapping resources with Errand-rider. Keeping Erkenbrand healthy is crucial.

Treachery control: Six copies of A Test of Will

Location management: West Road Traveller is used to avoid travel costs.