
Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
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None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Seastan 45852


Apr 28, 2016 qkieu 1

@SeastanA Galaldriel deck without Nenya? ;) BLASPHEMY! =)

Caldara / Arwen / (Éowyn in previous iterations) / Galaldriel is my favourite 'support' deck, I have been playing it extensively for many many quests in my fellowship. I will try to share me decklist soon to bounce suggestions, ideas and observations =)

Apr 28, 2016 Seastan 45852

If you Include Nenya you will want to include Unexpected Courage too. This deck is about the allies, not the attachments :).

Apr 28, 2016 qkieu 1

Yeah, I have figured that :) Was just joking :)

But if this deck is about allies I think you can try to substitute Galadriel with Éowyn (but this will require tweaking some number or even playing Ancient Mathoms). What do you think?

In addition, as you are already playing Miners and Stargazers - why not include Hidden Cache? Extra moneh never hurts, you can spend that cash for those expensive unburial rites or even paying for those pesky Trackers, if needed. If you draw the cache - you can always cycle it or discard to Arwen's ability.

Nov 27, 2016 Gandalf Guy 11

Why no Elven-light?

Nov 28, 2016 Seastan 45852


  1. Galadriel provides good card draw.
  2. Mirror/Harp provides more card draw.
  3. It is difficult to get Elven-light in the discard if you are using Arwen to discard allies.

Maybe if you added Glorfindel ally to the deck (you should, this deck was published before he was available) you'd have a way to discard Elven-light more reliably.

Jun 26, 2017 Wandalf the Gizzard 2562

@SeastanWould Jubayr work in this? Hasty stroke could be subbed out.