Crack of Doom Deck- PLZ HELP

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AKrafty 22

Help Wanted: this is my proposition for a deck made to beat the last quest in the saga campaign. I am going to an event this Friday and tasked with the challenge of destroying the ring of power! With four players playing the black gate quest and only me at Mount Doom I certainly don't want to let them down. My first idea having tried the quest before is to have as few characters and as much willpower as possible. The deck shown is what I came up with. The strat is to equip Sam with nor am I stranger and Herugrim to deal with any enemies that engage and fast hitches, Strider, and unexpected courage for readying. Of course most importantly is willpower. In this case i think fireside song/ resourceful/ song of hope might be enough. Honestly I'm not sure, If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. I will not let Sauron see me again!


Oct 05, 2017 Wandalf the Gizzard 2474

I think Song of Hope could be subbed out for something else. It's ability isn't worth it so it's just boosting willpower with Fireside song. Also, Free to Choose won't work because in the Dire quest stages you can only reduce your threat by one each round. I hope it goes well!