Escape from Moria (Saga Campaign - The Road Darkens)

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
Fast Moving Hobbits (Saga Campaign - The Black Riders) 58 49 6 1.0
Inspiration for
Breaking of the Fellowship (Saga Campaign- The Road Darkens) 6 5 3 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
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Mr. Underhill 4123

Mr. Underhill has a newer deck inspired by this one: Breaking of the Fellowship (Saga Campaign- The Road Darkens)

I decided to keep the same hero lineup for the Road Darkens as I've never played this box in campaign mode before. When I replay it in future I'm definitely using a Gandalf deck.

  • The Ring Goes South

1 attempt, 1 win. For this quest I used the same list that I ran for the Black Riders. I really like this quest but it was very easy. I took Sting as my starting boon and drew the Mithril Shirt in my opening hand. I decided to raise my threat by 5 rather than shuffle Lust for the Ring into the encounter deck. Starting with Sting on Sam Gamgee made defending the wargs very fun. 8 rounds and the game was over.

  • Journey in the Dark

3 attempts: 2 losses, 1 win. This quest is awesome! For the first run, I decided to play blind and see what happened. The Balrog showed up and I could not maintain enough questing power to push past him once he started chopping up 2 allies per turn. I then changed the deck to the list you see here to focus on questing to avoid the Balrog. I also added Elrond as a way of dealing with the condition attachments.

The second attempt went well but I miscounted the damage on Doom, Doom, Doom, so I went for a third run.

This was a very tense game. I had Henamarth Riversong on setup, allowing me to plan questing and combat perfectly. Turn 1 he helped spot an upcoming Uruk from Mordor, so I used Halfling Determination to defend it with Sam (4 defence with Tireless Ranger), preventing the Grievous Wound burden from attaching to him.

Next turn I drew Fellowship of the Ring, allowing the heroes to quest for a further 4 and place a lot of progress. I opted not to engage anything until I was at Stage 2, by which point I had two Uruks in the staging area. Adding the Orc Chieftain then gave me plenty of enemies to kill and reach Stage 3 quickly. With the clock ticking down, there was a pivotal moment where I revealed Fool of a Took!, which would've meant that I would need to face the Balrog for at least one round. I decided to use Oh! Tom Bombadil! to cancel the treachery and buy an extra turn. The fellowship then escaped from Moria on turn 9 with 30 threat and no fallen heroes, avoiding the Balrog by a mere smidgen. I took Overcome by Grief and Pursued by the Enemy as the earned burdens.

  • The Breaking of the Fellowship

It turns out that this quest is really tough on hobbits. I had to change the deck repeatedly to find something that worked, finally settling on this:


Oct 02, 2017 Seosaidh 594

Don't you take all four burdens if you don't defeat the Balrog? Or is that only if the Balrog comes out and you don't defeat him?

Oct 02, 2017 Mr. Underhill 4123

Yes, if he is still in play you must take all four. But it's also possible to win without facing the Balrog if you can quest through each stage quickly enough. That's what I managed to do when I won with this deck.