How Very Noble of You (Keeping Count deck)

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Legolas and Gimli - Keeping count 0 0 0 1.0
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Mr. Underhill 4123

I wanted to make a deck based around Keeping Count after hearing a few people say that it is "terrible in solo". (Never listen to the naysayers!) I also wanted to use Legolas and Gimli in the deck for thematic reasons, though the deck eventually became more about using Legolas to keep count with Glorfindel.

I managed to pull off a win against The Dread Realm with this version, so it's working alright but could probably use a little more questing power. Legolas' response does make up for the lack of a little bit.

Gimli is the deck's main defender and he gets Steward to pay for his ability. Legolas can commit to the quest with Glorfindel and then ready to get 4 , thanks to Gimli's response.

Legolas gets Keeping Count first, then Glorfindel gets the second copy. You may want to keep the second copy in hand until Legolas' count is up. This will let you attack with Glorfindel without having to trigger the forced effect on Keeping Count.

Make sure Legolas gets the first Rivendell Blade and use him to kill stuff as quickly as possible to get his count up. I had Glorfindel up to 11 (plus -2 from Rivendell Blade) which helped to make short work of Daechanar.


Sep 21, 2017 _EricTheCleric 98

Steward of Gondor seems a bit excessive to me in this deck. If you took the three copies of it out, you'd only be left with 10 resources to spend throughout the entire deck, so you could still pretty much use Gimli's ability every turn (with a little help from Envoy of Pelargir and Unlikely Friendship).

To get some more pseudo in the deck, and take advantage of Keeping Count's boost without triggering its forced effect, I think Grappling Hook could go well in place of Steward of Gondor.

That aside, love the deck. I like seeing Keeping Count in decks because it can be a fun card to play with. Having it with Legolas and Gimli with it is also very thematically pleasing :)

Sep 21, 2017 Mr. Underhill 4123

Thanks! I am glad you like the deck. I would be interested in seeing how it could work without Steward, if only because I prefer to play without that card. But when I tried it against the Dread Realm, I found I needed Gimli to have a decent number of resources throughout the game because I'd trigger him almost every turn. (That might be a result of the quest though, because there are more enemies than usual and many of them can be killed with 4 attack.) Also the resource buildup was useful to pay for Gandalf to keep the deck moving.

Regarding the Envoy of Pelargir, I found her more useful to move resources to Glorfindel.

Grappling Hook is a good shout and was in an early draft. I'd definitely add it to the sideboard.

Sep 21, 2017 _EricTheCleric 98

I probably could've guessed you'd be a like minded person who can appreciate playing without power cards from an absence of x3 A Test of Will.

I haven't played Dread Realm scenario, so I guess including Steward could be a judgement call on how enemy heavy the encounter deck is. I really love how complicated this game is :)

Are there any cards that return an attachment to your hand? That's be good in a Keeping Count deck, as a means of resetting the number of resources on one copy of the attachment.

Sep 22, 2017 thrilliod 7

Awesome! Looks like Fun and I’ve yet to try out that new Gimli. Are you still doing videos? Love you’re videos dude

Sep 22, 2017 Mr. Underhill 4123

@mikedrj Yes, I try to avoid it in solo (along with Steward) whenever possible, unless it's really necessary for the quest.

@thrilliod Thanks! There will be more coming soon, I just haven't had time lately.