You need no core set if you have the outlands...

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Roka 1695

You have a friend that want's to start with the game, but doesn't want to spend a lot of money? If he just want's to have the best cards, tell him not to buy a core set and instead go with Heirs of Numenor + The Steward's Fear. You don't get all the tokens, but this deck is probably stronger than everything he can build with a core set and a pack of the first cycle.


Sep 19, 2017 Seastan 45864

How do you draw cards? A normal game lasts 6-7 rounds, so being stuck drawing 1 card a turn means you are doomed to only see a quarter of your deck. That amounts to, on average, only 3 or 4 Outlands allies.

Sep 20, 2017 Roka 1695

The Hunters of Lamedon help a little bit with card draw. 4 outland allies are not top tier, but something very strong with a card pool so limited.

Sep 20, 2017 Arathorn7 52

Three "spears of the citadel" are also not necessary and having three "a good harvest" just to pay for "ranger spikes" seems like a waste. Does it really stand against each scenario that you describe? I have my doubts about "Escape from Dol Gundur"

Sep 21, 2017 Roka 1695

@Arathorn7 I didn't say that this deck can win all of the early scenarios, but it is stronger than a deck you can build with two of the earlier expansions. Your suggestions for changes are good, but there aren't more Leadership/Tactics card in the two expansions.

Sep 21, 2017 Seastan 45864

I do find this to be a creative idea, and building decks without the core is a pretty unique challenge. But I don't think there's a need to disparage the core set. You can build a pretty decent deck with just the core set cards.

Sep 21, 2017 Arathorn7 52

Well I guess I sounded harsh and I'm sorry for that. However I ask if it is at least tested against "The Heirs of Numenor" scenarios in order to be certain that someone must avoid the core set entirely and immediately go for these products, as you claim.

Sep 22, 2017 Roka 1695

@Seastan, @Arathorn7Probably I didn't express myself clearly enough. I would always go with the core set and my suggestion to buy these packs wasn't meant really serious. I just wanted to show that if someone is boring enough to prefer a single outlands power deck over the flexibility of the core set, he can. It's sometimes hard to express humour in written texts, especially if it's not your first language (I'm from Switzerland).