Ring around the Rosie (Nightmare Saga)

Questlogs using this decklist
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Nightmare Saga: Five Bold Hobbits & Three Warriors of Rohan
Derived from
Ring around the Rosie (saga) 193 148 16 1.0
Inspiration for
Hobbits v1.1 0 0 0 1.0
Ring around the Rosie (Nightmare Saga) 0 0 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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In Play
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johnleo 97

Borrowed from TheChad's exemplary Rosie deck and adapted for Nightmare play.

The main change is the removal of Elevenses. While fun, I found myself needing to dig for certain combo pieces (a Fast Hitch or Fellowship of the Ring, often). So out came Elevenses and in came Heed the Dream - which is made more optimal by having a second leadership hero in Rosie. The 3 leadership resources are usually easy to come by.

Power of Orthanc is there to deal with the nasty conditions Saga offers up - Have You Seen Baggins, Black Breath, Grievous Wound, on and on.


Sep 16, 2017 TheChad 14131

Thanks for the kind words. I like the change, Master of the Forge really helps my deck find attachments and thins it out. The deck I built is a framework that you can have a lot of fun building around. I have a non-saga version that I am waiting to publish because I know a Hobbit ally is coming soon and I want to see if he would fit in it. Hobbits for the win!

Sep 16, 2017 johnleo 97

Thanks mate, the deck is a blast to play. It does miss Master of the Forge. I could see them coming in!