Westfold Agents

Questlogs using this decklist
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Nightmare Saga: Five Bold Hobbits & Three Warriors of Rohan
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None. Self-made deck here.
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Westfold Agents 0 0 0 3.0
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johnleo 97

johnleo has a newer deck inspired by this one: Westfold Agents

Equipped with his trusty sword Gúthwinë and a spear or dagger, Eomer can hammer most enemies for lethal damage in one shot. Otherwise, feel free to pop off with Unseen Strike for those pesky ones who just won't die.

Fastred handles defense, especially with a Raiment of War and the defensive buff from Arwen Undómiel. Captain of Gondor also goes on him.

Copies of Miruvor should probably be replaced with more Unexpected Courage, but I only have the one core set. These mostly also go on Fastred.

Eowyn handles much of the questing, alongside the allies Fastred pumps out via Steward of Gondor. And of course she can go nova for another burst of damage.

Important cards to look for: Arwen, Steward of Gondor, Spear of the Mark


Sep 15, 2017 Onidsen 1127

Interesting. I like this deck idea quite a bit. I really like Sterner than Steel for shadow cancellation - a better choice than Hasty Stroke for this deck; and I love Raiment of War on Fastred.

Curious about Gúthwinë, there aren't a lot of Rohan allies for it to target. Is it mostly there to recur Elfhelm? If you're not thinking of using the sword's ability, Firefoot might be a better attachment for Éomer than Gúthwinë.

Sep 15, 2017 johnleo 97

Thanks for the feedback! I've really enjoyed the deck so far, especially once I got away from the hardcore Rohan theme, which was fun but stretched the Spirit resources too thin.

Guthwine has been pretty solid, I would say. In a vacuum, Firefoot is likely better - but Guthwine has 2 advantages. The one you mentioned, being able to grab a Rohan ally, is the clearest. Ambushing in Elfhelm for an emergency chump-block and getting him back the next turn feels pretty good. But the super-secret reason for Guthwine over Firefoot is just that Guthwine is a weapon, and since Foe-Hammer is my only card draw, I need a critical mass of weapons. Especially in a fellowship with my Hobbit deck, which usually wants those Daggers of Westernesse.

The secret third reason is that Guthwine is cool.

Sep 15, 2017 Onidsen 1127

All good, solid reasons. I've been playing with Éomer and Gúthwinë and I love it also. Guthwine as trigger for Foe-hammer was one thing I hadn't considered, since you have to exhaust it to get the boost. But if you're up against a weaker enemy - or if you can get enough ally support to make up the difference and really need the card draw - I can see using it to trigger Foe-Hammer. I've used Herugrim the same way in some of my decks; I suppose I should have seen that earlier.

I guess the sphere balance kind of pushes towards Guthwine over Firefoot too; you already have a lot of cards in tactics. Where do you generally play Steward of Gondor?

Sep 15, 2017 johnleo 97

Fastred, almost definitely. Eomer doesn't have much reason to build up his resources, and Eowyn is mostly just paying 1-2 every few rounds for equipment. Fastred is the one pumping out allies for questing, for the most part!