In your honour ! Glorfindel Lore !

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13nrv 4630

No, I was not wrong, this deck plays Glorfindel !

I will try to explain how I got to play him and it works well.

My mind was wandering over these cards :

Well Warned and Proud Hunters

And especially think about a deck that would recursively play with Hama this card in combination with Proud Hunters : Wait no Longer !

So I find myself already with Háma who has only Warrior among the trait Warrior, Scout, Ranger and Noble necessary.

I rediscover Idraen ! Who possesses both the Ranger and Scout trait and she is for Well Warned and mostly for Elven-light. Elven-light is just perfect for Háma.

In order to maximise Idraen capacity, i include some cards for location control like Arod and Blade of Gondolin. But i need more location exploration for Idraen ! Well i need Asfaloth.

And with Asfaloth, i need Glorfindel who are . Moreover Glorfindel is noble the last missing trait for Proud Hunters.

With Glorfindel, i can add Light of Valinor, Elrond's Counsel, Elven Spear and Tale of Tinúviel with Idraen.

With and Idraen ranger trait, we include Coney in a Trap for more attack cancellation.

We includes some Rohan Warhorse for Háma. He can attack multiple time in a round and play recursively some powerfull event each turn (Foe-hammer, Proud Hunters, Feint and Wait no Longer).

With Elven-light and Idraen who can act multiple time with location control, we include Protector of Lórien for questing power or increase defense. With recursive draw effect (Foe-hammer and Elven-light + Háma), i can play strong defenser like Guardian of Rivendell.

As you can see, i play few cards. Why ? Because i use #Glorfindel capacity for heal. This deck want to use all Traits/Capacity/Stat from Glorfindel !

And this deck works ! Oh yeah ! I was able to handle two hill troll on the first turn or recursively play Wait no Longer during 6 turns on Treachery of Rhudaur or handle at least 2 ennemies each turn on Hunt for Gollum Nightmare for finally kill all ennemies and quest for 16 !

I have a lot of fun with it !


Aug 29, 2017 TripleARay 10

This looks like a great deck! I enjoy your explanations of card choices - have you thought about finding place for backtrack and maybe Dunedain Pathfinder? Those are both cards I think fill a fantastic spot with Idraen.

Aug 30, 2017 TheChad 14292

this deck looks amazing. I love those trait-events!

Sep 03, 2017 Durins_Father 3268

I'm sure you mean G-Lore-findel (Gfindel)? or Corefindel. Anyway, nice looking deck. I always enjoy seeing early (core set) cards returning in decks after so long.

Sep 04, 2017 Phallus1 1

At the last event I played, a noob told me that Blade of Gondelin sucked. Nice to see someone still playing them ;-)

Aug 08, 2018 sergentpepper1971 1

Merci de partager ce magnifique deck ! Qui donne simplement envie de jouer